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Q: What is the English word used for Malayalam word muracherukkan?
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What is the Malayalam word for cousin?

An old word for cousin in Malayalam is 'Machunan' (matchunan). But, this word is not used recently. Instead, in Malayalam, 'Ilayachante makan/makal, valiyachante makan/makal, ilayammayude makan/makal, valiyammayude makan/makal, etc. are used. The word 'machunan' or 'machambi' is rarely used for 'brother-in-law'. In Malayalam colloquial language, 'annan, aniyan, sahodhari, sahodharan, etc. are used for 'cousin'. When we think of 'muracherukkan' or 'murappennu', this idea goes to 'customary bride' or 'customary bridegroom'. The exact meaning of 'cousin' in Malayalam can be seen interconnected with the traditional relationships of Kerala.

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