The English word for "kabhakettu" in Malayalam is "umbrella." In Malayalam, "kabhakettu" refers to the object that provides protection from rain or sunlight. The English word "umbrella" has its origins in Latin, where "umbra" means shade or shadow, reflecting its purpose of providing shade or protection from the sun.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word, Amali is blunder. Another meaning in English for the Malayalam word, Amali is misfortune.
English meaning of Malayalam word punarudhanam is resurrection / rebirth.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word vikruthi is mischief.
meaning of the Malayalam word anujan is -- " YOUNGER BROTHER "
The English word for "kabhakettu" in Malayalam is "umbrella." In Malayalam, "kabhakettu" refers to the object that provides protection from rain or sunlight. The English word "umbrella" has its origins in Latin, where "umbra" means shade or shadow, reflecting its purpose of providing shade or protection from the sun.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "chingi" is "sparrow."
The English meaning of the Malayalam word, Amali is blunder. Another meaning in English for the Malayalam word, Amali is misfortune.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "manushyan" is human or person.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word samaadhanippikkuka is "to solve or resolve."
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "nissahayan" is "suspense" or "thriller."
The English meaning of the Malayalam word 'aayusu' is 'life'.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "guha" is cave.
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "prabuddhatha" is "consciousness" or "awareness".
The English meaning of the Malayalam word "Lahari" is "wave."
The Malayalam meaning of the English word "allies" is "മിതവൾ" (mithaval).
The Malayalam meaning of the English word "understand" is "അറിയുക" (ariyuka).