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A person who cannot read although capable of doing so is called illiterate. This does not include people who cannot read due to physical or mental impairment

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Q: What is A person called who can't read?
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What if a person cant read and wants to use the computer?

Microsoft has a unique tool on their operating systems called "narrator." This tool allows the user to highlight text to be read to them so that they don't have to read it themselves. This utility requires the use of speakers.

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Such person is called a Quipucamayuc, which can be translated along the lines of 'He who possesses the power to read the knots'.

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It is called storytelling. Its Called "I cant read because i'm too stupid and the schools in this Dam country wont teach me to read till i'm 6, so my mom has to do it read it for me , Because I have no dsrgrsgregrdbes *#%#$^$#&*^&*^&*% #@%%$#%$#%$

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if u cant read it its called dillans candy shop its in newyork

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If someone is unable to speak, it's called being 'dumb'.

Why you cant read your mails in your inbox?

On Myspace if a person cannot read the mail in their mailbox or have notifications for email when there is none, it is a glitch. To fix this, contact the administration of the site.

With your blackberry 8130 can you tell if the person has read the text message you sent them?

nope u cant. only on bbm

i cant read the letters in the box sorry?

i cant read the letters in the box sorry

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A bibliophile is a person who loves to read.

A person who cannot read or write is called?
