The Farsi word "shabhaye" translates to "nights" in English. In Farsi, "shabh" means night, and by adding the plural suffix "-aye," it becomes "shabhaye," meaning nights. This word is commonly used in Farsi to refer to multiple nights or evenings.
"Seersucker" is ultimately from Farsi (Persian) shir o shakkar, which means "milk and sugar" (a description of the alternating stripes of the cloth). The word entered the English lexicon by way of Hindi.
What does Arabic word inshallala mean in English
If you mean the Spanish word vacío (not bacio) then the English translation is "empty." If you mean the Italian word bacio, then the English translation is "kiss." If you mean the Portuguese word bacio, then the English translation is "potty".
There is no such word in English.
"Shenidam" in Farsi means "I heard" in English.
If you mean the language it is Farsi
"Diams" does not have a specific meaning in Farsi. It is not a Farsi word or term.
No, "manzel" does not mean "home" in Farsi. The word for "home" in Farsi is "khaneh" or "manzelgah." Manzel can mean "apartment" or "residence" in Farsi.
"Farsi" is pronounced as "fahr-see" with the emphasis on the first syllable.
The Farsi word "hast" means "is" in English. It is used to indicate existence or possession of something or someone in the present tense.
"Bodoh" does not mean anything in Farsi. It is actually a word from the Malay language, which means "stupid" or "foolish."
In Farsi, the word "ahle" means "people of" or "belonging to." It is often used as a prefix to indicate a specific group or community.
Cherries in Farsi is "آلبالو" pronounced as "albaloo".
June has no meaning in Farsi. Only Farsi names have meaning in Farsi. However, June is very close to the Farsi word جن (Jinn) which means Jinn or Elf.
"Zoromon" does not have a specific meaning in Farsi. It does not correspond to any known word in the Farsi language. It might be a name or a term that is not commonly used.
The Farsi word for Arian is آریان.