Synonyms for happy include:
I feel quite content with getting a new job.
I'm pleased they can come.
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Elated Estatic Gay Joyful
chuffed, proud...erm?....:P
Amusing Enjoyable Entertaining Merry Pleasant Happy Joyous
To mean the same thing? If so there is content, joyful, cheerful,...
If you mean content as in happy then of course happy and satisfied
Elated Estatic Gay Joyful
chuffed, proud...erm?....:P
Scared. Happy. See. Amazed
Synonyms are words that mean the same or close to the same thing. Some synonyms for the word "happy" would be: glad, joyful, giddy, pleased.
Amusing Enjoyable Entertaining Merry Pleasant Happy Joyous
Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms because they both convey a positive emotional state.
Happy and joyful Big and large Smart and intelligent Sad and unhappy
To mean the same thing? If so there is content, joyful, cheerful,...
glad, joyful, pleased