Homonyms refer to words that have different meanings and spelling but sound similar. Attention, infection and direction are examples of homonyms for affection.
there is no answer
there is no answer
Play (noun) and play (verb).
gamble, gambol
One example of homonyms in "Where the Red Fern Grows" is "paws" and "pause." The former refers to the dog's feet, while the latter means to stop briefly. The play on these homonyms adds depth to the emotional storytelling in the book.
Homonyms for "capitol" are "capital" and "cattle."
The homonyms of "him" are "hymn" and "hymn".
homonyms adds
Build is the homonyms of bill
Some homonyms for benevolence include "bene violence" and "bean violence."
The homonyms of "late" are "eight" and "bait."
"May" and "merry" are month homonyms.
There are three syllables in homonyms.
The homonyms for "massed" are "mast" and "mazed."