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English are used in many parts of the world even their mother tongue is not English. English is therefore a common language used internationally.

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Q: What are importance of English languages?
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Why english language is importance than the other?

There is really no way of ranking languages in terms of importance, but a reason that English might be considered one of the more useful languages to learn is because it is so widespread. However, learning Spanish or French could be just as useful as English.

What is the importance of biology in your course AB English?

english is one of the languages spoken in great many countries of the world so learning english

What two languages are most widely taught second languages?

English and French are the most widely taught second languages worldwide. English is commonly taught as a second language in many countries due to its global importance, while French is often taught as a second language in countries with historical or cultural ties to France.

How can you say that English language is greater than other languages?

Each language is unique and has its own strengths. To claim one language is greater than another would be subjective and dismissive of the richness and diversity that all languages offer. It's important to appreciate and celebrate the different languages and cultures in the world.

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Which languages will probably survive in the future?

Languages with large numbers of speakers, official status, and strong cultural importance are likely to survive in the future. Examples include English, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Arabic. Indigenous languages with active revitalization efforts may also have a better chance of survival.

What does idiomas mean in English?

"Idiomas" in English means "languages"

What Languages are spoken in Washington?

For the languages of Washington (state), click here.For the languages of Washington DC, click here.

What languages are spoken in southeast region?

Languages spoken in the southeast region vary by country, but commonly spoken languages include Thai, Vietnamese, Khmer, Indonesian, and Filipino. English is also a widely spoken language in this region due to its importance for tourism and business.

What are the languages that form the English language?

The English languages was based off Anglo-Saxon (Germanic languages) and French.

Do Germans hate English?

Not necessarily. Many Germans speak English as a second language and appreciate its importance. However, like in any country, there may be individuals who have negative feelings towards certain languages or cultures.

5 famous languages that used in the world?

Some of the most famous languages in the world are English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, and French. These languages are widely spoken across the globe and have significant cultural and economic importance.