Wordsending with -ish: -ish as a suffix: * babyish * boorish * childish * devilish * elvish * foolish * fetish * freakish * ghoulish * impish * prudish * sluggish * selfish * stylish * snobbish * ticklish * peevish -ish as part of the word itself (root word): * anguish * brandish * banish * dish * establish * embellish * fish * garish * garnish * squeamish * squish * relish * swish * finish * wish * polish * parish * perish * cherish * varnish
weirdish loudish tallish slowish You can put ish on the end of almost any word, they get the meaning across, but some are slang, and are technically not real words. Hope this helps :)
Snobbish does not have a prefix. Although, its suffix, is "ish".
"ish" is the suffix. When added to the adjective "blue" (the stem in this case) it indicates approximation. Other common use of this suffix can be turning a noun to an adjective, similarly to the suffix "y": "Freak" (noun) + y = "freaky" (adjective) "Freak" (noun) + ish = "freakish" (adjective)
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Ish Smith is 25 years old.
selfish, prudish,
Irish, Scottish, English, Spanish, dish, fish, parish,Polish,
Often you can just add "ish" to the end of the name
Irandlish....unles you mean people or things that are from ireland, then you would say irish.
There are over 200:AbolishAnguishBabyishBaldishBatfishBeamishBearishBeauishBiggishBlemishBlueishBoarishBoggishBoobishBookishBoorishBoxfishBrinishBrutishBuckishBullishBurnishCaddishCarlishCatfishCattishCherishClayishCockishCodfishColdishColtishCoolishCowfishCronishCubbishCultishCurrishDampishDarkishDeafishDervishDogfishDoggishDollishDoltishDonnishDronishDullishDumpishDuncishDuskishEnglishEvanishFaddishFairishFattishFinfishFlemishFogyishFolkishFoolishFoppishFoxfishFurbishFurnishGarfishGarnishGawkishGirlishGnomishGoatishGoodishGrayishGreyishHagfishHaggishHaimishHashishHawkishHeimishHellishHennishHickishHippishHogfishHoggishHottishHuffishHunnishJewfishJiggishKaddishKiddishKnavishLaddishLadyishLargishLarkishLazyishLeftishLoggishLongishLoudishLoutishLumpishMaddishMaidishMannishMawkishMinxishMobbishMonkishMoonishMoorishMudfishNebbishNerdishNoirishNourishNunnishOarfishOgreishOutfishOutwishPanfishPeakishPeckishPeevishPerkishPettishPigfishPiggishPinfishPinkishPixyishPlanishPlenishPoorishPrudishPublishPuckishPuggishPunkishPupfishRaffishRammishRankishRaspishRatfishRattishReddishRedfishRoguishRompishRubbishRuntishRuttishSaltishSawfishSelfishSerfishSickishSlavishSlowishSoftishSottishSourishStonishStylishSunfishSwinishTallishTannishTarnishTartishTigrishToadishTonnishTownishTundishVampishVarnishVoguishWaggishWaifishWampishWarmishWaspishWeakishWearishWennishWettishWheyishWhitishWhorishWildishWimpishWispishWoggishWolfishWormishZanyish
A pink-ish, brown-ish, red-ish color.
France-ish, England, China-ish, Russia, and Australia-ish.
weirdish loudish tallish slowish You can put ish on the end of almost any word, they get the meaning across, but some are slang, and are technically not real words. Hope this helps :)
Yes, Its located on the carby it's a black stick with a bulb ish end with curves.
Brian Ish is 6'.
Ish Kabibble died in 1994.