What are the antonyms for cavernous
antonyms is the opposite.
The antonym of antonym is synonym. What about the antonyms?
Gibber is to speak rapidly and unintelligibly, possibly because someone is fearful or shocked. "He was so scared I couldn't understand the gibber that was coming out of his mouth.
The man started to gibber nonsense after drinking too much alcohol.
Gibber deserts are deserts which are characterised by being covered with pebbles and stones. The word in this context is unique to Australia, and comes from one of the indigenous languages.
A military operation or plan
Gibber refers to vast plains or deserts which are characterised by being covered with pebbles and stones. The word in this context is unique to Australia, and comes from one of the indigenous languages.
i dont know ask one
His explanation was so confusing that it sounded like gibberish.
it makes a sound that sounds like a gibber
The Simpson Desert is a sandy desert. It's sedimentary sand grains are predominately made up of rounded quartz grains. Sturt's Stony Desert is an example of a gibber desert.