It will depend on the writer as to how long it takes to write a screenplay for animation. It could take several weeks to even years.
The Book of Revelation in the Bible is thought to have been written around 96 A.D. There is no conclusive school of thought as to how long it took to actually write the book.
The correct form is, "to take someone on a trip."
It really depends on whether or not you're a good writer or not. If you're a good writer it will take about 1-2 days, if not maybe between 2-3 or maybe even 4 days.
The word board is not generally abbreviated because it is a very short word and doesn't take a long time to write or type. However, it can be abbreviated as "brd".
It probably did not take her more than a year, as Catching Fire was published about exactly one year after The Hunger Games. Plus of course it takes a while for editing and design of the book.
You can take a course at your local Community College in screenplay writing. You can also buy books that teach you how to write a good screenplay/script. Visit for more details.
dippends on how long it is
It can take a while sometimes but depending on how busy it is it sometimes takes less than a day!
You sell your screenplay idea by pitching it. You pitch these ideas to producers, actors, writers, talent agents, managers or other people who can 'take the next step', which is to produce either a treatment or a screenplay. A treatment or screenplay can be copyrighted; an idea cannot.
In the U.K. you generally have to have done a BA (hons) in animation first (this is usually three years). A Masters Degree can then be done and is typically a year. So the answer is four years (at least in my University).
if you don't know her personally, she either wont write back or it will take a long time.
Sure you can, but it's not likely to be any good. The professionals, the folks that get paid the big bucks to churn out box office gold, take several weeks to several months to turn out a screenplay. Some have even taken longer. You must also realize that a screenplay typically goes through multiple drafts, sometimes reaching into the dozens. Is it possible. Absolutely. Will anyone want to read it? Doubtful.
There are many places where one can take 3D animation lessons. This includes a local community college, or even online via universities that offer 3D animation courses.
he was 12
A couple of minutes, just as we write ours today.
4 hrs