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Q: How do you get rid of the white box around an image on word?
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What is a border as in Microsoft Word?

A border is a line or image around a section, including page, paragraph, text box, table, etc.

How much nicotene in Winston white box?

A Winston White box cigarette typically contains around 0.8mg of nicotine per cigarette.

How do you make your pictures black and white on MySpace?

When logged into MySpace profile page:View My: PicsClick on the image you wish to desaturate.Click on the Edit box (blue box second along from the left underneath the image).Click on Customise Photo box (second row, first left - above the image).Click on Effects tab and you will find the Greyscale button in between Neon and Invert.

What is a floating object in word?

A floating object in Word refers to an image, shape, or text box that is not anchored to a specific place in the document. It can be moved freely around the document, placed on top of text or in margins. This allows for more flexibility in layout design.

What is the difference between WordArt and text box?

Text box is a box within your document that you can enter text into. The text within the box will have its own formatting separate from the rest of your document. You can move the textbox around the page without dirupting the contents. Wordart is essentially an image made from text that has special effects on the text itself such as coloring, shading, arching.

What logo has a blue box with a four letter word and white lettering?


What was Homer Simpson known as on a cereal box?

Mr. Sparkle! apparently the image on the box is made up from the image of a goldfish and a lightbulb.

How can you check the resolution of a picture in Photoshop?

After opening the image you want to check the resolution of by going to "File", then "Open", click "Image", and then from the dropdown box, select "Image Size". In the new box that opens up, the width, and height boxes will tell you what resolution the image is.

When was White Box Robotics created?

White Box Robotics was created in 2000.

When was White Box Requiem created?

White Box Requiem was created in 1996.

How do you spread an image across multiple pages in word?

AnswerYou can put your image in Header & Footer. Simply follow the few steps --Go to menus, View --> Header & Footer. Now you will see two dotted lined boxes in your document, one of them would be in header and other would be in footer of your document. Now make sure your Courser should be in the dotted box and insert an image (in any dotted box header dotted box or footer dotted box, it depends on you that where you want to use the image in header or footer of the page). To insert an image, go to menus once again, Insert --> Picture --> From File. Now you will see a Insert Picture options window on your screen and select that picture which you want to use and then hit Enter key on your key board. Now you will see your image would be set in the top of the page. Same thing you can do with footer dotted box also. Now you can insert more pages in your word document, the image will spread into every page automatically.Hope this helps,Cheers Thats not what the question was...see the discussion area.

Is a text box an object that allows you to insert text into it place it anywhere on the page and wrap text around it?

Yes, it is like that.Text box behaves like an image and therefore you can wrap normal text around it.If you want to know how to do it - editing text box - it is the same as with speech bubbles. See related link bellow.