Vary your sentences. ...
Avoid using long words. ...
Use a thesaurus. ...
Replace your character's name with a pronoun. ...
Read your writing. ...
Break up your sentences. ...
Avoid wordy expressions. ...
Shorten your paragraphs
Not so easy. The main reason for repetition is not having a vocabulary big enough to give you the options.
A thesaurus is a very useful aid, as is planning. And read. Read lots of good literature.
Something I like to do - and I know it's going to sound strange - is to collect words: I have a little 'Cardex' file in which I put any new words I come across and that I like or that I think will be useful. I simply write the word and it's dictionary definition on the card, along with an example of its use.
Another trick is to write it one day, then come back to it the next. This way you will always see where improvements can be made.
Your thesaurus is your friend. Don't be afraid or ashamed to pull it out of your bookshelf, or from your Microsoft Word program. I think it's the most helpful tip.
Why ie it important to avoid the use of repetition words or phrases in academic essay
Repetition is a noun for an action of repeating something that has already been said or written; the recurrence of an action or event; something repeated; a training exercise that is repeated as in physical training; the repeating of a passage or note. Example sentence:The only way I can learn my lines for this play is by repetition; a lot of repetition.
One strategy to avoid when writing conclusions is to avoid overused phrases, such as, in conclusion. Another strategy to avoid is introducing a new idea in a conclusion. A third strategy to avoid when writing conclusions is stating the main subject for the first time.
It is often that a writer, when expressing a thought which requires several reinforcements, needs to find a simile for a word, so that the word itself is not repeated. It is felt that repetition of a word is 'bad writing', unless there is a specific purpose in repeating that word. A Thesaurus gives a number of similes for any given word, thus helping the writer to avoid repetition.
A thesaurus is a dictionary-like book that lists terms in alphabetical order, but instead of listing their definitions, it lists synonyms or similarly defined words and concepts. It is a useful tool for writing, mostly used to avoid repetition.
One alternative word for "she" that can be used in an essay to enhance writing style and avoid repetition is "her."
Pronouns are used in writing to replace nouns and make sentences more concise and easier to read. They help avoid repetition and keep the flow of the writing smooth by referring back to a previously mentioned subject.
Skillful repetition makes a paragraph effective
Why ie it important to avoid the use of repetition words or phrases in academic essay
Keyword substitutes in writing can help improve clarity, avoid repetition, and enhance the overall flow of the text. They can also make the writing more engaging and diverse, leading to a more polished and professional piece.
Primarily in order to avoid a repetition.
An example of repetition is when a speaker repeats a specific word or phrase multiple times within a speech or writing in order to emphasize a point.
Using the same word twice in a sentence can be effective for emphasis or poetic effect. However, it is generally recommended to avoid repetition to maintain clarity and variety in writing.
A word that stands in place of a noun is a pronoun.
They is a pronoun. It is used to replace a noun to avoid repetition
Repetition is used in writing to reinforce ideas, create rhythm, emphasize key points, and make writing more engaging and memorable for the reader. It can also help to clarify complex ideas by restating them multiple times.
repetition reading it and writing it i sposse