Amazing, Appealing, Attractive, Thought - Provoking, Riveting, Entertaining, Gripping, Engrossing, Enthralling, Engaging, Captivating, Diverting.
Antonym: Boring
Curious Interested Studious
curious, interested, intrigued, prying, spying, eavesdropping, intrusive, busybody,meddlesome, snooping; inquiring, questioning, probing, searching.
Not interested
seeing some one, relationship, courting, interested, gentlemen caller, like like
Superb is another word for excellent. Superb is another word for excellent.
Interested can also mean "engaged."
Avid interested enthusiasm
Curious Interested Studious
into, participating, interested, occupied, incriminated, concerned, affected, entangled,
No, the word "interested" is not an adverb.The word "interested is an adjective.The adverb form of "interested" is interestedly.
The word 'interested' is an adjective. The past participle of a verb is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Examples:Verb: He was interested in the newest model.Adjective: An interested party contacted our realtor today.
curious, interested, intrigued, prying, spying, eavesdropping, intrusive, busybody,meddlesome, snooping; inquiring, questioning, probing, searching.
The word 'interested' is an adjective. The past participle of a verb is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Examples:Verb: He was interested in the newest model.Adjective: An interested partycontacted our realtor today.
The word you are looking for is "supportive." It means to be interested in and encouraging of the progress of someone or something.
chafets (???) = "interested in" or "delighted with"
attentive, intent, absorbed, engrossed, fascinated, riveted, gripped, captivated, rapt, agog; intrigued, inquisitive, curious; keen, eager