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Technology was invented because back in the days people have to do things by hand. For example washing clothes, heating up food ect. Now that we have technology it makes life more easier for us. If we didn't have technology we would not have microwaves, washing machines, computer etc.

Because people are basically a weak feeble species. without the use of tools (technology) we never would have survived as a species.

technology wasn't invented, it was always there.

technology is just an idea to make something that is practical.

example: "bone spear = technology" because it can be used to kill things for food

"cell phone = technology" because it is used to communicate with others.

Painting= painting is a rare type of technology, because painting tells the future, like for instance, a painting made by Leonardo davingi was about that in the future, in a very far country, a leader wold have to quit his position, and what happen to ex-president Nixon, he was remove from presidency, so that's why painting is a very rare typa of technology

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