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When Transistor operates in active region its input resistance is high and output resistance is low.

So,We can consider transistor as a device which transfers its resistance from high to low.

And by this property transistor amplifies input signal.

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Q: Why transistor is called transfer of resistor?
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Why transistor is called so?

transistor. This word is a blended form of transfer of resistor. The legs of transistor (collector, emitter,base) transfer the resistance. So it is called as transistor

What is the full form of transistor?

The fullform of transistor is transfer resistor.

Why transistor so named?

Transistor stands for "Transfer Resistor". (Resistor of transference)

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Why the name transistor?

transfer : tran-resistor : -sistorThus tran-sistor or just transistor.

What is the function of the legs on a transistor?

as the name suggest transistor means to transfer resistor, it is an electronic device,

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Transfer and resistor

How did the word transistor originate?

The word "transistor" is a blend of "transfer" and "resistor," reflecting its function of transferring electrical signals across a resistor. It was coined by John R. Pierce, an engineer at Bell Laboratories, where the first transistor was developed in 1947.

Why transistor is named so?

What?In May 28, 1946, a survey conducted by Bell Labs offered “a discussion of some proposed names”Among them was "transconductance/transfer varistor".So the question repeats the common mistake that it was "transfer resistor".

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