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Ocean water absorbs a lot of minerals because water is such an excellent solvent for so many substances. Combine with that, the abundance of existing dissolved materials that can form soluble salts with many existing minerals and you have an excellent environment for dissolving minerals that start out as oxides.

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Q: Why oceanic water absorb so many minerals in it?
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How many gallons of water does a hot water heating system use?

It uses as many as you run through it, but who would want to heat hot water?

What are the advantages of saving water?

By saving water, we can save life of many creatures of the world who directly or indirectly depends on water.

Is desalination important?

Yes. The Earth's water is running out and we need new ways to take water and make it fresh. There are many forms of desalination, but many are very expensive. Less than 1% of the Earth's water is fresh and many people are polluting the very little water we have.

What are the disadvantages of hard water?

The disadvantages of having hard water is that if you have a boiler or a kettle and they are used for a long period of time then they will begin to clog up with fur and limescale.Another disadvantage is that when you have a bath with bubbles then the water will react with the soap so you won't get a lather but a scum.BathroomShowerheads and spray-nozzles can become blocked; they can even clog the small holes completely and reduce their efficiency. The bathtub and sink seem to be the places where there is a visible soap scum build up. Without proper treatment his build up is very difficult to remove and may require a lot of cleaners and many applications. Scale can clog pipes and can decrease the life of toilet flushing units.BathingBathing with soap in hard water leaves a film of sticky soap curd on the skin. The film may prevent removal of soil and bacteria. Soap curd interferes with the return of skin to its normal, slightly acid condition, and may lead to irritation. Soap curd on hair may make it dull, lifeless and difficult to manage. Similarly, the insoluble salts that get left behind from using regular shampoo in hard water tend to leave hair rougher and harder to detangle.LaunderingClothes washed in hard water often look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. The hardness minerals combine with some soils to form insoluble salts, making them difficult to remove. Soil on clothes can introduce even more hardness minerals into the wash water. Continuous laundering in hard water can damage fibers and shorten the life of clothes by up to 40 percent.DishwashersWhen washing dishes, especially in a dishwasher, hard water may cause spotting and filming on your crockery. The minerals from hard water are released faster when it comes into contact with heat, causing an increase in the amount of spotting and filming that occurs. This problem is not a health risk, but it can be a nuisance to clean and reduce the quality of your crockery.Problems in Water Boiler Systems and PipeworkHard water also contributes to inefficient and costly operation of water-using appliances. Heated hard water forms a scale of calcium and magnesium minerals (limescale deposits) that can contribute to the inefficient operation or failure of water-using appliances. Pipes can become clogged with scale that reduces water flow and ultimately requires pipe replacement. Limescale has been known to increase energy bills by up to 25%.

How many PCF does water weigh?

Weight of Water is 63 PCF Actually, the unit weight of water is 62.4 pcf.

Related questions

Why oceanic water dissolves so many sediments rocks and salts?

Oceanic water dissolves sediments, rocks, and salts due to its composition of various ions like sodium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium. These ions enable the water to break down minerals in the sediments and rocks, carrying them away in solution. Additionally, the continuous movement and turbulence of ocean currents help in the process of dissolving and transporting these materials.

Granted pure water has no calories but how many does spring or well water with natural minerals have?

None. Spring water has a higher level of minerals, but minerals are not calories.

How did vein minerals get there?

Superheated water forces its way into rock faults. It contains many dissolved minerals which crystallise out when the water cools.

Can a sponge absorb heat?

A sponge definitely does have the ability to absorb heat. Sponges absorb heat as well as many other things like water.

Why isn't water salty?

Some water is salty. The ocean and some lakes are salt water. It depends on how many minerals are dissolved in the water.

How do minerals occur in veins and lodes?

Superheated water forces its way into rock faults. It contains many dissolved minerals which crystallise out when the water cools.

Where does the matter that makes up the wood of a tree come from?

Wood is made of the atoms, CH2O. It is similar to water, because it is made of H2O.

What composition refers to rocks with many dark silicate minerals and plagioclase feldspar?

The composition referring to rocks with many dark silicate minerals and plagioclase feldspar is called basalt. Basalt is a fine-grained igneous rock that is commonly found in oceanic crust and volcanic islands.

How many minerals does water have?

Dilstilled water has no minerals. There should only be Hydrogen and Oxygen. Most tap water contains Calcium, Lime, Fluoride, and a few other unimportant elements.

Naturally hot water containing many minerals and found on the surface of the earth is called?

Natural hot water containing many minerals and found on the surface of the earth is called a hot spring.

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WHAT is the the composition of earth's crust?

Many different minerals are found in oceanic crust. Feldspar, basalt, pyroxene, and other molten rock materials make up the composition of the ocean's crust.