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Modern machines do not consist of multiple levels of virtual machines; that is a function of the host operating system's virtual machine manager and its guest operating systems, all of which are implemented through software. The operating system's virtual machine manager exposes one or more virtual machines upon which you can host one or more guest operating systems and their applications. In order to execute compiled Java applications upon one of these guest operating systems you will also need to install the Java virtual machine for that specific operating system. Thus you end up with a Java program executing within a Java virtual machine executing within a virtual machine executing within a virtual machine manager executing upon the physical hardware. The physical hardware itself may be optimised to handle virtual machine managers more efficiently, but the virtual machine manager is a software program; it is not part of the physical machine architecture

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Q: Why do modern machines consist of multiple levels of virtual machines?
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Inheritence and its types in object oriented programmings?

There are only two types of inheritance in object oriented programming: Single inheritance: where a class inherits directly from just one base class. Multiple inheritance: where a class inherits directly from two or more base classes. Multi-level inheritance is often thought of as being a separate type of inheritance, however inheritance relates to a derived class and those that it directly inherits from. If a base class is itself a derived class (an intermediate class), then its base class or classes are simply indirect base classes of the derivative. But in isolation, the intermediate class either uses single or multiple inheritance, even if its base class or classes are also intermediates. Virtual inheritance is also thought of as being a separate type, however virtual inheritance doesn't change the relationship between classes within the hierarchy. the only difference virtual inheritance makes is that the virtual base class or classes are constructed by the most-derived class within the current hierarchy, rather than by their most direct descendants. In this way, only one instance of each virtual base exists in the hierarchy, rather than multiple instance as would normally exist. The actual inheritance is still single or multiple, however.

Why steganography is good with java?

Steganography is good with JAVA because JAVA is a highly secured language. If we use steganography with JAVA, it will enforce multiple levels of security of data. form: RISHU

What are the Levels in Java programming?

Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun made available most of their Java technologies as free software under the GNU General Public License. Others have also developed alternative implementations of these Sun technologies, such as the GNU Compiler for Java and GNU Classpath. GHOUL

What accident in 1986 demonstrated a clear need for a robot to go where humans couldnt?

The failure of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in 1986 resulted in radiation levels which were far too high for human workers, so robotic/remote controlled machines were used to shut down the reactor. While there are still needs for remote controlled robotic machines inside the core of nuclear reactors, the reactors used in the United States are built to a much higher safety standard.

Application of object-oriented programming?

AnswerA virtual function must be declared as a non-static member method of a class that you expect to act as a base class. Declaring a virtual function adds some overhead as a result of creating the v-table (virtual method table), but most of that overhead is paid with the first virtual function (subsequent virtual functions just add a new entry to the already-existing v-table). However, do not declare a virtual function unless you expect that function to be overridden. Bear in mind that overriding an overloaded, non-virtual function "hides" all the overloads in the base class.If a virtual function must be overridden, declare it as pure-virtual instead. You do not need to implement the method in the base class, but you will be reminded to provide an implementation in the derived class at compile time if one does not exist, even if you provide a default implementation in the base class. Bear in mind that base classes with one or more pure-virtual methods become abstract -- they cannot be instantiated.If there is any virtual function or pure-virtual function, there must also be a virtual destructor, as well as a public or protected default constructor (a constructor with no arguments). When a derived class is constructed, it calls the base class constructor, which calls its base class constructor. Derived classes are constructed in sequence, beginning with the least-derived class. Destruction is the reverse -- the most-derived class is destroyed before the base classes are destroyed.Virtual functions can be invoked just like any other class member method, both via an object reference's member operator (.), and the indirection operator (-->) for pointers to objects. It does not matter whether the reference or pointer refers to a base class or a derived class; the v-table decides which override (where one is provided) will actually execute, starting from the most-derived override and working back towards the base class, the least-derived. With appropriate use of virtual functions, dynamic casting can be avoided completely (dynamic casting should never be employed as it completely defeats the point of having a v-table in the first place).

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