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Many scientists aren't concerned about the use of Bt toxins. Consumers, some scientists, some medical care professionals, and others are usually the ones who are concerned about Bt crops used to feed animals and humans. To understand why, you need to understand that Bt crops are genetically modified to produce the toxin that kills insects in every cell of the plant itself. Essentially, the plant itself becomes an insecticide. Though it is claimed that science shows those plants have no effect on animals or humans, many believe that real life anecdotal evidence shows eating Bt foods may have unintended harmful effects on the intestinal flora and digestive system. Those who believe that also believe that research needs to be conducted to find out if Bt is causing harm to health, and many try to avoid eating GMO foods.

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Q: Why are scientists concerned about the use of the bt toxin which is used to kill insects in genetic engineering?
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Why did genitic engineering begin?

Genetic engineering has been around for a long time, such as selective breeding of animal stocks, but the purposeful tweaking of DNA has only been around since the 1970s. For animal breeding, breeders chose the features they most liked in the animal and bred those that exhibited these features. For the more modern version, genetic engineering was started for various reasons. Genetic engineering found a way to produce artificial insulin, produced by bacteria, in order to meet the requirements of growing numbers of diabetics. Crops were engineered to withstand pesticides and herbicides so that farmers could spray the crops to kill the insects and weeds without damaging their plants.

What technologies can help farmers produce more crops?

Hydroponics help people to grow crops in areas with poor soil to help feed a growing population. Precision farming can benefit farmers by saving time and money. It also increases crop yields by helping farmers maintain ideal conditions in all fields. Scientists use genetic engineering to produce plants that can grow in a wider range of climates. They are also engineering plants to be more resistant to damage from insects.

What are some benefits for genetic engineering in crop plants?

i don't know help me please so i can get a good grademaybe you should look in the TEXTBOOK! that's what I did. it should be on page 341 of your text book. read the defention. its really simple, genetic engineering is messing with the DNA to improve it. so the benefits of engineering plants genetically could be making them healthier, or to grow faster and to be more efficient. don't take that answer it might not be right, hope that helped. -Hannah Hi, my answer might be beneficial to this question:"It may take many generations of breeding for a trait to become homozygous and consistently expressed in the population. Genetic engineering is a faster and more reliable method for increasing the frequency of a specific allele in a population."I received this answer from page 341 in my Glencoe Biology textbook.Good luck on your journey to learning!

Is genetic engineering a new science?

Short Answer:Manipulation of genes has been used by humans in farming & agriculture for hundreds of years.Longer Explanation:Genetic engineering in the stictest definition is a fairly new technology. It consists of extracting a gene or genes from a plant or animal and inserting it into another plant or animal, or changing it in some way and inserting it back into the original plant or animal in order to get a desired trait. The most familiar known use of the technology is to develop crops that are resistant to herbicides or plants that produce a substance that kils insects when the plant is eaten by them, though there are lesser-known uses of genetic engineering.Though some might say that the use of genetic engineering includes the method of hybridization, hybridization is a totally different process that has been used throughout time. Another difference is that hybrids cannot be patented in the same way genetically engineered plants can.

What is sanitary engineering?

sanitary engineering is made for the purpose of helping the medical practitioners in preventing communicable deseases like malaria, dengue propagation of rats rodents and other insects. management of garbage and waste in the community.

Related questions

What scientists looks up insects?

Entomology is the study of insects. An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects.

Why did genitic engineering begin?

Genetic engineering has been around for a long time, such as selective breeding of animal stocks, but the purposeful tweaking of DNA has only been around since the 1970s. For animal breeding, breeders chose the features they most liked in the animal and bred those that exhibited these features. For the more modern version, genetic engineering was started for various reasons. Genetic engineering found a way to produce artificial insulin, produced by bacteria, in order to meet the requirements of growing numbers of diabetics. Crops were engineered to withstand pesticides and herbicides so that farmers could spray the crops to kill the insects and weeds without damaging their plants.

What does an antamologist do?

If you mean entomologist - it is concerned with the study of insects

What technologies can help farmers produce more crops?

Hydroponics help people to grow crops in areas with poor soil to help feed a growing population. Precision farming can benefit farmers by saving time and money. It also increases crop yields by helping farmers maintain ideal conditions in all fields. Scientists use genetic engineering to produce plants that can grow in a wider range of climates. They are also engineering plants to be more resistant to damage from insects.

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What are some benefits for genetic engineering in crop plants?

i don't know help me please so i can get a good grademaybe you should look in the TEXTBOOK! that's what I did. it should be on page 341 of your text book. read the defention. its really simple, genetic engineering is messing with the DNA to improve it. so the benefits of engineering plants genetically could be making them healthier, or to grow faster and to be more efficient. don't take that answer it might not be right, hope that helped. -Hannah Hi, my answer might be beneficial to this question:"It may take many generations of breeding for a trait to become homozygous and consistently expressed in the population. Genetic engineering is a faster and more reliable method for increasing the frequency of a specific allele in a population."I received this answer from page 341 in my Glencoe Biology textbook.Good luck on your journey to learning!

How is the term entomology properly defined?

Entomology is the section of zoology that refers to insects. An entomologist would be a person that studies the behavior and genetic makeup of insects.

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that insects can build houses better than humans

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Entomologists, which means study of insects, is in the field of biology.

What is the simple predicate in The scientists have learned respect for the insects?

The simple predicate is "have learned" because it shows the action or the verb that the subject "scientists" is doing.

What is the simple predicate for some scientists study cockroaches and other insects?

sentence of strange

What is an example of direct evidence for evolution is... genetic changes in plants antibiotic resistance in bacteria pesticide resistance in insects or all of the above?

All of the above examples are direct evidence for evolution. Genetic changes in plants, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and pesticide resistance in insects all demonstrate how species can adapt and evolve to survive in changing environments. This supports the theory of evolution by natural selection.