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If you don't have insulation on the wire, then the loops in the coil will touch each other and short to each other. Instead of have x number of turns on the coil, you would basically have a solid conductor if the wire was not insulated.

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6y ago
  1. to keep the electricity in
  2. to keep other things out (e.g. water, people, other wires)
  3. to prevent short circuits to nearby wires
  4. to prevent electricution
  5. to prevent fires
  6. etc.
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16y ago

A transformer is basically a coil of wire (or two coils).

If it were not insulated, the current would bypass the coils and it would not function.

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12y ago

prevent short circuits in the windings

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Q: Why are electric wires insulated?
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What will happen if wires are not insulated?

what may happen if wires are not insulated

What are some other objects that have insulated wires?

Other objects that often have insulated wires include power cords, headphones, microwaves, and electric heaters. These wires are typically covered with materials like rubber, PVC, or Teflon to protect against electric shock and ensure proper conductivity.

Why aluminium wires are not insulated?

Aluminum wires are insulated.

Are electrical cords and cable wires for computers TV cable boxes insulated?

Yes, of course they are insulated. If they were not the signals would short out and be unusable. If electric power cords were not insulated they would short out and blow the breaker (or worse start a fire)!

Are wires insulated to keep then warm?

Most are insulated to keep them from grounding out or interference.

Can you run insulated wires in a conduit pipe?

Except for the ground wire they must be insulated.

Why are the three insulated wires of an an electric cable in different colours?

because all wires have different work. one carry positive charge, one carry nagative charge,and one is nuetral. they are of different colours because from this it can be easy to recognise the wires

What cases eletricity?

Insulated wires and such and batteries.

Why are most electrical wires surrounded by non-metallic materials?

Wires have to be insulated from each other to confine the current inside the wire. Most wires are insulated with a pvc sheath surrounding the copper wire.

Which does not state a principle related to why ground wires are in effective safety device?

Electronic devices are protected from power surges by having insulated wires

How are the conductors and insulators in the creation of household electric wire?

Copper is ideally used in wires in the creation of a household electric wire. this is because, copper is a very good conductor of electricity. to avoid anyone from getting shocks the copper wires need to be insulated by an insulating material, ideally plastic that is wrapped around them.

Why wires are covered with rubber?

It is because the rubber is an insulator.people don't get electric shocks that's why wires are covered with the rubber