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A bridge can filter, forward based on its MAC address forwarding table. The bridge will note any MAC address that is the source address on a frame and the port that the frame was received. Then it will forward or filter depending upon the forwarding table. If a MAC address is found on more than one port (because of loops in the network) then the frame is forwarded on both ports. If a frame is received on a port and the destination MAC address is only found on that port then the frame is filtered and discarded. If the destination MAC address is not found in the forwarding table, then the bridge will flood the frame out all ports except the receiving port.

A router will build a routing table based on the routing protocol that is being used in the router. The routing protocol (RIP, RIPv2, AS-AS, OSPF etc) will have a method of identifying the best route to send the IP packet to the destination. When an IP frame is received then it will be routed on the best route to the destination

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Q: Why a bridge using filtering table and router using routing table?
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What is routing table?

A routing table has columns for at least three types of information, Network ID, the Cost and The ID of the next Router called Next Hop.

What is Difference between static and dynamic routing tables?

Technically, there is no such thing. The routing table has several entries (think of them as lines); the individual LINES in the routing table can be static or dynamic; and the routing table in its entirety can have both types. A static entry is programmed (hard-coded) by a network administrator. A dynamic entry is one which the router learns from a routing protocol, such as RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, etc. The routers "talk" to one another, and tell one another that they have routes to certain networks; the router that receives such updates will update its routing table as a result. Such entries are temporary, and expire after a relatively short time.

What are the content of investigation report for a major bridge?

Title Page, Table of Contents, Body of Writing, and then the Bibliography

What is the most common static route used in a host computer?

the default gateway is the most common static route used in a host computer. netstat -r is the command line command to obtain the routing table.

Why is it that when I am connected to the internet my localhost does not connect?

The localhost is the loopback network interface. Every machine uses the exact same address,, but that address is completely private to your machine. Even your local area network cannot access it, never mind the Internet. The localhost essentially allows you to refer to your own machine, permitting access to its own servers (such as or just as if the request had actually come from another machine on the network. Even completely standalone machines have a localhost. Your machine may have one or more additional IP addresses, depending on the number of network interfaces available. Most home computer systems use a router to connect to the Internet and every machine connected to it forms a local area network (LAN). Typically the router's LAN IP address will be in one of three ranges where the first octet is: 1-126 (class A), 128-191 (class B) or 192-223 (class C). Most home networks use class C addresses where the first three octets identify the subnet (such as 192.168.0) and the last octet identifies the machine (1 to 254). The router is typically assigned the first IP address, such as, and this is the gateway to the Internet. LAN addresses are not accessible from outwith the LAN -- they are private to the LAN (just as localhost is private to the machine). The router also has an outward facing IP address that is assigned to it by your ISP. This is the only address that is visible to the Internet. The router ensures that traffic from the LAN to the Internet is made to appear as though it originated from the router via network address translation (NAT). Basically, whenever you instigate an Internet request, the router receives the request and stores it in a table along with your LAN address. The router then modifies the request (changing the port or adding additional information to the request) in order make it unique to you, swaps your LAN address for your ISP address and completes the call. When a response is received, the router looks up the table for a matching entry, swaps the ISP address for your local address and forwards the call to your machine. This gives the impression your machine is directly connected to the Internet, but it is not. The Internet is connected to your router and nothing else.

Related questions

Describe the role of the routing table on a host and on a router?

Describe the role of the routing table on a host and on a router.

What is the similarities and differences between the windows routing table and the router routing table?

That depends entirely on what Operating System the router is running

What address does the router use to compare to the routing table?

in general the router uses the network address to compare to the routing table. Specifically, on the internet, the Router looks up the destination IP address in the router table to determine where to route the packet.

When a router does not have an interface for the destination network it sends the traffic to where?

If a router has a route in its routing table, it will have a next hop IP address and / or outbound interface. If a router does not have a route in its routing table the packet will be dropped.

When will a router select the indicated path as the best match?

After checking with its Routing Table (table creation depends on Routing Protocol).

When the destination network is not listed in the routing table of a cisco router what two possible actions the router might take?

The router discards the packet.The router forwards the packet out the interface indicated by the default route entry.

Which one had more overhead a router or a bridge?

a. Routers are more expensive than bridges. b. Routers operate at the first three-layers; bridges operates at the first two layers. Routers are not designed to provide direct filtering the way the bridges do. A router needs to search a routing table which is normally longer and more time consuming than a filtering table. c. A router needs to decapsulate and encapsulate the frame and change physical addresses in the frame because the physical addresses in the arriving frame define the previous node and the current router; they must be changed to the physical addresses of the current router and the next hop. A bridge does not change the physical addresses. Changing addresses, and other fields, in the frame means much unnecessary overhead.

Where on the router can the actual values determining metric be viewed?

routing table

Which table does a router use to make decisions about the interface through which a data packet is to be sent?

Routing table

What is routing table?

A routing table has columns for at least three types of information, Network ID, the Cost and The ID of the next Router called Next Hop.

What is the advantage of dynamic routing?

The router needs a routing table, to know where to send IP packets. The purpose of dynamic routing is to update the routing tables automatically. This means you need much less configuration, and the network dynamically adjusts to topology changes (for example, a router is added, or a cable has a bad connection).

Which is a function of the show ip route command when used as a tool for troubleshooting network connectivity?

That's the command, on a Cisco Router, to show the routing table. It is one of the most important troubleshooting commands.That's the command, on a Cisco Router, to show the routing table. It is one of the most important troubleshooting commands.That's the command, on a Cisco Router, to show the routing table. It is one of the most important troubleshooting commands.That's the command, on a Cisco Router, to show the routing table. It is one of the most important troubleshooting commands.