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Q: Who invented the Da Vinci si robot?
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When was the da Vinci robot invented?

The new DaVinci si robot was launched in April 2009.

What is the Si unit of conductance equal to the reciprocal of an ohm names after the German industrialist who invented it?


Write assembly program that draw circle?

Circle Macro x,y,rad,color local Loop1,Loop2,Loop3 pusha ; BX=X Offset, CX=Y Offset, DX=Some evil counter xor bx,bx mov cx,[rad] mov ax,cx shl ax,1 mov dx,3 sub dx,ax ; AL=Color mov al, ; Calculate address of center in vidmem. mov di,[y] mov si,di shl di,8 shl si,6 add di,si add di,[x] mov gs,di Loop1: ; Plot 8 pixels using known centerpoint and X and Y offsets. mov di,gs add di,bx mov si,cx shl si,6 add di,si shl si,2 add di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,si sub di,si shr si,2 sub di,si sub di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,bx sub di,bx mov es:[di],al add di,si add di,si shl si,2 add di,si add di,si mov es:[di],al mov di,gs add di,cx mov si,bx shl si,6 add di,si shl si,2 add di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,si sub di,si shr si,2 sub di,si sub di,si mov es:[di],al sub di,cx sub di,cx mov es:[di],al add di,si add di,si shl si,2 add di,si add di,si mov es:[di],al ; Is DX still under zero? cmp dx,0 jge Loop2 ; If, add 4*XOffset+6 to DX mov si,bx shl si,2 add si,6 add dx,si jmp Loop3 Loop2: ; If not, add 4*(XOffset-YOffset)+10 to DX mov si,bx sub si,cx shl si,2 add si,10 add dx,si ; Decrease Y coordinate dec cx Loop3: ; Increase X coordinate inc bx ; Is X Offset<Y Offset; if is, loop again. cmp bx,cx jl Loop1 popa ENDM mov ax,0013h int 10h mov ax,0A000h mov es,ax circle 10,10,5,55 AWAIT: MOV AH,0 INT 16H CMP AH,1 JE EXIT JMP AWAIT EXIT:

8086 program to arrange a string of bytes in ascending order?

Mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov dl,05h up2: lea si,ser1 mov cl,05h up1: mov al,ds:[si] mov ah,al inc si cmp al,ds:[si] jc down mov ah,ds:[si] mov ds:[si],al dec si mov ds:[si],ah inc si down:dec cl jnz up1 dec dl jnz up2 int 3h

The SI unit of electric current is?

The SI unit of electric current is the ampere. While it is an SI base unit, it can also be considered to be a combined unit, coulombs per second.

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