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Which technique can be used to make multiple copies of a gene? What are the basic steps in this procedure?

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Q: Which technique can be used to make multiple copies of a genewhat are the basic steps in this procedure?
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Shell script that copies multiple files to a directory?

That's what cp(1) program is good for: cp this that "something else" /dir/to/

Defferentiare between topical copy and endorsement copy?

There are different types of copies: Scientific Copies Talk about meds and medical researches Descriptive Copies Talk about how to make a Pan Card, Ration Card. Describes procedures. Colloquial Copies These are very conversational. Copies of biscuits or chips. Topical Copies These are associated with recent happenings and give detailed information of the 5Ws. Endorsement Copies Talk of celebrities who endorse a product. Includes celebrity's views on the endorsed product. It may also be a copy that includes testimonies of people wh have used a particuar product or service. Prestige Copies Includes pride of a product. Talks of the distinct and unique/new feature of the product or service. Reason Copies Talks of why. Wordless Ad Copies Hope this helps :)

Explain the advantage of using pointer?

When you use pointers you do not create multiple copies of the same data, but you reference everything to a set of original data. It takes much less space to store a cell address in memory than to make a copy of it.

What is reference count method in data structures using c?

The idea of a reference count is so that you do not have to keep multiple copies of the same data in memory. Each new occurrence of the value just increments a reference count. This cuts down on memory utilization.

In what situations that the impact printer is a better choice than the non-impact printer?

An impact printer makes its image by striking the paper through an ink ribbon, using a hammer in the shape of the image (think typewriter hammer) or with wires that make dots (think dot-matrix printer). The advantage of the impact printer is that it can make multiple copies at the same time, either when you use multi-part paper with interleaved carbon paper, or with special paper (NCR type paper) that is pressure sensitive. A non-impact printer, such as a laser or ink jet printer can not do this. Multiple copies must be made by running multiple sheets of paper through the printer. One case of an impact printer is in a point-of-sale situation, where you want a copy for the store, another copy for the customer, another copy for billing, etc. While you can do this with non-impact printers, one advantage is auto-collation, and another is that you can write on the top copy (think "Paid on a certain date") and that will transcribe to the other copies.

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Which technique can be used to make multiple copies of a gene?

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique commonly used to make multiple copies of a gene. PCR involves cycles of heating and cooling that enable the synthesis of DNA strands complementary to the target gene sequence, leading to exponential amplification of the gene of interest.

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Which technique can be used to make copies of a gene?

Polymerase Chain Reaction, also known as PCR, can be used to rapidly make multiple copies of a gene using a primer.Another method is to use a plasmid vector to carry, store and multiply a gene in a microbial cell, such as E. coli.

What is gene cloning?

The production of multiple copies of a single gene.

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Why is PCR important in many aspects of biotechnology?

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is important in biotechnology because it allows for the rapid and specific amplification of DNA, making it easier to study genes, diagnose diseases, and produce large amounts of DNA for various applications. By copying and amplifying DNA sequences, PCR enables scientists to analyze and manipulate DNA more effectively, advancing research and technology in fields such as genetics, forensics, and medicine.

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Yeast cloning is a technique used to create identical copies of a specific gene or piece of DNA by inserting it into a yeast cell. The yeast cell then replicates the DNA along with its own genome, producing multiple copies of the desired DNA sequence. This technique is often used in molecular biology research to study gene function or produce specific proteins.

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