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This depends on where you are, but 9 times out of 10 CDMA will provide better coverage than GSM, especially inside buildings that GSM can't penetrate.

GSM= work with SIMcards ( ATT,T-mobile) some areas have better coverage than CDMA (Verizon, Sprint, Alltel ect), the Problem with GSM is that its bandwith is not as fast as CDMA since Data travels quicker on CDMA's devices due to less steps to follow :

GSM= Data - SIMcard - device= response

CDMA= Data - Device= Response (wider bandwith as well)

so i would say that CDMA is better than GSM.

Although it has been very widely reported that GSM carriers have faster speeds than CDMA carriers. Such as AT&T has far faster speeds than CDMA networks while covered.

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Q: Which one is better GSM or CDMA mobile?
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Can you convert my gsm into CDMA phone or viceversa by changing some device in it?

Nice question. The answer is of course yes. After all, it is two similar electronic devices. But whether it is practical..., very unlikely. You should be able to reuse the case, the display, the keyboard, much of the smartphone functionality like MP3 players, video cameras etc. You would not be able to reuse the antenna definitely. Since most manufacturers tend to manufacture multifunctional chips, you are likely to end up having to replace the chip and motherboard as well. May be it can be attempted as a costly hobby but wouldn't be wise if you plan to save some money by converting your old cdma phone to a gsm one. reply in case of any other quation .......

What is the frequncey in which 2gmobile oprate?

Frequency is the number of times per second at which an electromagnetic wave oscillates. It determines the wave's properties and usage. Frequencies are measured in hertz (Hz). 1 Hz is one oscillation per second, 1 kHz a thousand, 1 MHz is a million and 1GHz is a thousand million. Frequencies between 30 kHz and 300 GHz are widely used for telecommunication, including broadcast radio and television, and comprise the radio frequency band. Mobile telephony systems currently operate at 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2100MHz. GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications or Groupe Speciale Mobile is the international, pan-European operating standard for the current generation of digital cellular mobile communications. It enables mobile phones to be used across national boundaries. GSM systems are operated by O2 and Vodafone at 900 and 1800 MHz, and by T-Mobile and Orange at 1800MHz.

What is msisdn used for?

MSISDN is a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM or UMTS mobile network. Simply put, it is the telephone number to the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone. The abbreviation has several interpretations, most common one being "Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number".[1] The MSISDN together with IMSI are two important numbers used to identify a mobile phone. IMSI is often used as a key in the HLR ("subscriber database") and MSISDN is the number normally dialed to connect a call to the mobile phone. The MSISDN follows the numbering plan defined in the ITU-T recommendation E.164. More Details in

What is electrical tilt in GSM antenna?

Electrical tilt is a tilt which gives by knob present downward in GSM antenna. It is done for effecting the coverage of antenna. If one GSM antenna overshoots then interference will produce. then we give electrical tilt then front lobe will change and back lobe will not change. so antenna provides coverage in both direction. Electrical tilt is always gives in City. It reduces interference.

How can you use the word mobile in a sentence?

With the introduction of powered wheelchairs those who could no longer walk finally became mobile. He was as mobile as his unreliable car allowed him to be. Mechanized infantry is one way the Army can deploy a mobile military force.

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CDMA is a type of network that cell phone company's use. There are to meager types of networks that are used CDMA and GSM. Cell phone are usally made to work on one or the other network. The Iphone is GSM and Verizons Dare is CDMA but some phone can work on both like the new Blackberry storm.

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The full form of SIM is Subscriber's Identity Module. The SIM card is used into mobile phones to make calls, send messages, use internet. There are two types of SIM card. One is GSM and another is CDMA. The full form of GSM is Global System for Mobile communication. The full form of CDMA is Code Division Multiple Access. The CDMA Technology is superior than GSM.

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No, you cannot use a Verizon SIM card on a Nexus One. It only worked on GSM networks, which was AT&T and T-Mobile.

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Unlocking usually refers to a GSM network and flashing usually refers to CDMA networks. When you unlock a phone you can use it on any carrier that uses the same radio (GSM/CDMA), or if you have a world phone, either a GSM or CDMA. Flashing the phone just allows you to use one specific CDMA carrier.

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No, Credo is on Sprint's network, which uses CDMA. AT&T is GSM. You can jailbreak and unlock the iphone and use it on any GSM network that uses SIM cards however. T-mobile is one option that comes to mind.

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Generally speaking, one cannot switch a T-Mobile phone to the Sprint network. This is because T-Mobile uses the GSM standard, while Sprint uses the CDMA standard, the two of which are not compatible.

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gsm is the one type of mobile telephone service. GSM stands for Global Service for Mobile Technology

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Verizon uses CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access). It sometimes will connect to GSM(Global Standard for Mobile Communication) if used in countries with providers that Verizon has negotiated an agreement with that uses GSM technology. Roaming charges will apply!

How is communication between CDMA and GSM made?

The signal must be decoded from the one format then reencoded in the other format.

Can you flash your unlocked blackberry curve pH from ATT to Verizon service?

no you cannot, one is gsm and the other is cdma