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If you're using your own eyes rather than a search engine then it's a manual search.

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Q: When expanding a folder structure to find a particular entry what type of search is it?
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What is the difference between allocation and search data structure?

difference between serch data structure and allocation data structure

How many search techniqe's in data structure?

There are two types of searching technique used in data structure.such as linear and binary search.

How do you search a particular element from the vector?

To search a particular element from the vector, use the find() algorithm. If the vector is sorted, you can use the binary_search() algorithm to improve efficiency. Both algorithms can be found in the <algorithm> header in the C++ standard library.

Which search algorithm is best?

The question is a bit too vague for a meaningful answer, it depends on what you are searching and what you are looking for.For search in an unsorted list, there is no better alternative than the naive algorithm of looking at every single element.For search in a sorted list (like a phone book sorted on name) binary search is much more efficient.For string search, like used in biology to find DNA matches, there are dedicated algorithms that deal exclusively with string matching.For graph search, A* ("A star") is among the better.For more general search problems there are a whole host of search methods that work better than others in particular domains. But so far, there is no ultimate winner that is best for everything. The best ones are generally custom made for one particular problem, like the best known algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem.See also related link.

Which data structure is used for breadth first seach?

Breadth first search can be performed upon any tree-like structure. A binary tree is a typical example. A breadth first search begins at the root and searches the root's children, then all its grandchildren, and so on, working through one level of the tree at a time.

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Expanding a folder structure to find a particular entry is what kind of search for GCSS army?


What kind of search is expanding a folder structure to find a particular entry?

This kind of search is typically known as hierarchical search, where you navigate through a structured hierarchy of folders or categories to locate a specific entry or item. This method helps organize information in a logical and hierarchical manner, making it easier to find and access specific data within a larger collection.

Why does Windows 8 search freeze?

there are many reasons why this could happen. If it freezes at a particular location, it could be down to filesystem damage, or the folder could be excessively big

What must one enter in vista search box to access a shared folder Financial?

If you name a shared folder Financial$, in order to access the folder, a user must enter in the Vista Start Search box

What to you do to specify the option to open each folder in its own window at this dialog box?

folder and search iotions

Where do your pictures save on Minecraft?

They go to the screenshots folder in the .minecraft folder. Click "Start" and search for "Run". Type in %appdata% and press enter. Find the .minecraft folder and look for the screenshots folder.

When expanding a search scroll to the last item in the search results list and select what to search the entire computer system?


Can you hide any folder in a system which could not be found when you search for it?

a file folder can be hidden by changing its properties, and you can always create false pathways (lagre amounts of misleading compounded files) to make it more difficult to find a folder if not using a search

What is a search?

Computer Search:A search is the scanning of files within a folder or hard drive to find a particular item. Keywords are needed to identify the item being searched.Internet Search:Usually performed by powerful Search Engines such as google or yahoo. A keyword is entered and websites are scanned for this keyword and listed in order of relevance.

Which shortcut windows allow you to search for a file or folder?

Select folder & press " f3 " key on keyboard.......

What utility should be used to rearrange all files and applications into contiguous groups so that the computer can access quickly?

you can get your file easilyyou dont need to search it.just go to particular folder an get your files.

Can you lock the folder without using any software?

this code can hide the folder no one can search even hide also can not search. Attrib +r+a+s+h foldername this code is getback for the normal folder Attrib -r-a-s-h foldername