1. High Level Flow Chart 2. Low Level Flow Chart
1)Basic flow chart-shows the main steps in a process for a good overview 2)process flow chart-gives details of a process by listing the main steps and sub-steps 3)developement flow chart- is similar to process flow chart but identifies persons or department involved in a process. 4)oppertunity flow chart- highlights decision making steps and inspection points.
1)Basic flow chart-shows the main steps in a process for a good overview 2)process flow chart-gives details of a process by listing the main steps and sub-steps 3)developement flow chart- is similar to process flow chart but identifies persons or department involved in a process. 4)oppertunity flow chart- highlights decision making steps and inspection points.
The flowchart in deriving the sum of the square root of first N even numbers, You may follow the steps provided below: # Draw the start symbol then a flow line connecting to item #2 # Draw the init box for the syntax: set variable_A=0, variable_Chk=0, variable_Sum=0, variable_Sqrt, then a flow line connecting to item #3 # Draw the input box and write variable_A then a flow line connecting to item #4 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_A not numeric?'. if yes, draw a flow line connecting to item#3 else draw a flow line connecting to item#5 # Draw the process box for the syntax: compute variable_Chk=variable_A / 2 then a flow line connecting to item #6 # Draw the decision box for 'Is variable_chk not whole number?. if yes, draw a flow line connecting to item #3 else draw a flow line connecting to item #7 # Draw the process box for the syntax: compute variable_Sum=variable_Sum + variable_A then a flow line connecting to item #8 # Draw the decision box for 'Do you want to add another number?'. if yes, draw a flow line connecting to item#3 else draw a flow line connecting to item #9 # Draw the process box for the syntax: compute variable_Sqrt=SQRT(variable_Sum) then a flow line connecting to item #10 # Draw the output box and write variable_Sum, variable_Sqrt then a flow line connecting to item #11 # Draw the end symbol. Where: variable_A contains a given N number, variable_Chk contains the quotient of variable_A / 2, variable_Sum contains the sum of N numbers and variable_Sqrt contains the result.
Two little problems: 1. stack doesn't have a flow-chart 2. there are no flow-charts in a C program
1. Start 2. Read Number (the number of which you want the table) 3. Count=1 4. Print N*Count ( multiplying the number,from step 2, with count) 5. Is count=10? If yes, then STOP. If no then Add one to the Count.
Draw a flow chart to calculate simple interest with 10% rate if time is greater than 2 yrs otherwise calculate simple interest with 5%.
1. High Level Flow Chart 2. Low Level Flow Chart
start input x input y x + y output z End
the structure chart differs from flow chart in these principle ways: 1- It is difficult to identify different modules of the software from its flow chart representation. 2- Data interchange among different modules is not represented in a flow chart. 3- sequential ordering of tasks inherited in a flow chart is suppressed in structure chart.
1)Basic flow chart-shows the main steps in a process for a good overview 2)process flow chart-gives details of a process by listing the main steps and sub-steps 3)developement flow chart- is similar to process flow chart but identifies persons or department involved in a process. 4)oppertunity flow chart- highlights decision making steps and inspection points.
1)Basic flow chart-shows the main steps in a process for a good overview 2)process flow chart-gives details of a process by listing the main steps and sub-steps 3)developement flow chart- is similar to process flow chart but identifies persons or department involved in a process. 4)oppertunity flow chart- highlights decision making steps and inspection points.
No. It's a chart of elements. Compounds are made up of 2 or more elements.
You draw a rectangle and then you divide it into to 2 equal parts (split it down the middle). After you do that you label the input side x and the output side y. And now you got an input output chart.
In math a table is a chart. For example times table is a chart that shows all the multiples of the numbers on the chart. 1 2 3 4 X One. 1 2 3 4 X two. 2 4 6 8 X three. 3 6 9 12 X four. 4 8 12. 16.
They can be embedded in a worksheet or can be on their own chart sheet.
Convert this in flow chart and see if it can help Start Display "Enter 2 numbers" Accept 2 numbers A & B Divide the A with B Is result Zero? ---- No - A is not Dividable with second Yes - A is Dividable with second End