The initials after your name on gaining a qualification are more correctly known as post-nominals or post-nominal letters. The specific post-nominal depends on the degree. For example, if it is a masters in science it would be M.S. (US) and M.Sc / MSc (UK, Europe and commonwealth countries). If it is a masters of arts, it would be an M. A. (or MA in the UK).
However, there are many more possibilities depending on the degree and speciality, including the MPhil (Master of Philosophy) and MRes (Master of Research) qualifications which are based around an original research topic as opposed to a taught masters degree program and usually take 2 years as opposed to the 1 year taught courses.
Also in British universities it is common to be able to study an undergraduate science or engineering specific subject for 4 years (instead of the normal 3) and gain a masters (hons) degree (which has the same criteria for qualification as other post graduate masters degrees, but is studied without the award of a bachelors degree and as such counts as a first degree and therefore not as a postgraduate qualification). E.g. MPhys, MGeol, MChem or MEng (Master of Physics, Geology, Chemistry and Engineering respectively) amongst others...
For a more exhaustive list of (British) academic post-nominals please see the related links.
on average about 80k a year. if you have a masters degree or a lot of experience you would make much more
You can obtain aBachelor's Degree (BSME), Masters Degree (MSME or MSE-ME), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mechanical Engineering.
The BCA is most likely a bachelors degree. The MCA is a masters.
As an engineer, calculations are performed which involves math. When pursuing a Masters degree in engineering, most courses are heavily math.
printf ("initials");
Masters of Science Degree
Yes, but most appropriate when it is job related.
Typically, it depends on the level of education. Initials indicating degree type are not used below the level of masters degree. Thus, it could be MA, MS, MBA, or PhD within the area of business administration. These are the most commonly used within the United States.
Yes, I would start by looking at Capella or DeVry. Kaplan would also have a masters of education degree.
In general, a masters degree will earn you a higher salary, regardless of what the degree is in. It is worth it to go back to get your masters. you will earn a higher paying job.
You must complete a bachelor's degree before masters. However masters only takes 1-2 more years after your bachelors.
I would recommend a masters degree.
In this sense, it would be master's degree program.
As far as I know a masters degree would really benefit you. You can choose a bachelors degree but if you want that job faster study hard and get a masters degree Hope this helped you!
You would probably need a masters degree in medication.
I would like to have a masters degree
It would be a "bachelor of arts" (BA) degree from which many specific programs of study fall.