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A: Potentiometer does not produce any signal it is merely a variable resistor whereby any signal impressed on it can be variably taken out of the wiper as a linear function or logarithms function depending on the requirement of the design

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Q: What type of signal does a potentiometer produce?
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What example of a control sends a proportional output signal?

A potentiometer.

Signal conditioning circuit of potentiometer?

you can use an impedence converter or a voltage follower

The potentiometer is which type of tranducer?

The potentiometer is a position tranducer. It forms a resistance divider, proportional to position.

How is a volume knob a resistor?

It is a type of resistor called a potentiometer, which is a resistor with a movable center tap. The full volume signal is applied across the full resistor and the variable volume signal is taken off the movable center tap.

What type of system does potentiometer belong to?

Variable resistance.

What is the difference between audio generator and signal generator?

Audio generator will produce some range of frequency and level of a test signal meant for audio. A signal generator will produce a test signal but is a more general classification. For example a audio generator is a signal generator. When you know what type of signal you are looking for, then a signal generator will be called that type of signal. all depends on what you are testing. examples: video -> video signal generator audio -> audio signal generator

What does a potentiometer do on an embroidery machine?

A potentometer send a signal to the gear head to tell it what number needle position it is using.

When would you prefer rheostat over potentiometer?

Type your answer here... ferer

How would it be possible to directly alter an electrical signal the way a potentiometer does by using the intensity of another electrical signal instead of manualy rotating a dial?

The easiest way is by using an FET

What you mean by sensitivity of potentiometer?

The sensitivity of a potentiometer refers to how much the output voltage or signal changes in response to a given change in the input. A more sensitive potentiometer will have a larger output change for a small input change, while a less sensitive one will have a smaller output change for the same input change. Sensitivity is often expressed as the change in output per unit change in input (e.g., volts per degree).

What does a potentiometer do?

A potentiometer varies the amount of current through an electrical or electronic circuit. EX: the volume control on your radio is a potentiometer. In today's electronic circuitry, digital circuits that change resistance do the same job as the rotary type control do. They tend to be more accurate.