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Whether the image is displayed effectively.

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Dorothy Deckow

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Q: What should you most consider when deciding an image is appropriate for your technical document?
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What should you consider when deciding if an image is appropriate for your technical document?

The answer for Apex is "If the image works together with the written text"

What should you most consider when deciding if an image is appropriate for your technical document?

The answer for Apex is "If the image works together with the written text"

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What is Technical review?

Technical review should be done by the team of members. The document, which is going to be reviewed, who has prepared and reviewers should sit together and do the review of that document. It is called Peer Review. If it is a technical document, It can be called as formal Technical review Ranjan Kumar.NIIT Ganeshguri

What is formal technical review?

Technical review should be done by the team of members. The document, which is going to be reviewed, who has prepared and reviewers should sit together and do the review of that document. It is called Peer Review. If it is a technical document, It can be called as formal Technical review Ranjan Kumar.NIIT Ganeshguri

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In a technical document it is best to avoid clustering the visuals in one place.

What does the technical document focuses on?

mostly on the subject

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a properly cooked rare steak should be red in the middle

When the preparation of the SRS document can begin?

SRS if I am assuming correct a Software Requirement Specification Document, can begin from day 1. One can start taking rough notes, and with more functional information gathered , the SRS can be continually refined. Though at the same time, the Business Analyst should consider the limitations of the technology used for development or depending on the reqs an appropriate platform must be chosen. After a thorough analysis of functional and technical scope an SRS can move towards finalization and can be later signed off by business users and Technical Project Managers I hope that helps

What is the use of technical communications?

Practitioners use technical communications to research and document technical processes or products. It is a important method for practitioners to use.