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C / C++ for engine

Lua for scripting

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Q: What programming language is mafia 2 programmed in?
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What is the best programming language for making a 2 D and or 3 D game not the easiest?


2 types of identifiers in C programming language?

1. identifiers beginning with a letter 2. identifiers beginning with an underscore

What are the three general methods in implementing a programming language?

1- Compilation 2- Pure Interpretation 3- Hybrid Implementation System

What are the five high level programming language?

1.First Generation Programming LanguageFirst generation of programming language refers to machine language. Machine language is lower level language which uses object code (some times also known as machine code). Object code is the combination of binary digits. These languages directly talk to hardware.2.Second Generation Programming LanguageSecond generation of languages is also low level language which is known as assembly language. Assembly languages are the interface between Machine level languages and High level languages.3.Third Generation Programming LanguageThird Generation programming languages are High level Programming languages like JAVA & C.4.Fourth Generation Programming LanguageThis is the set of current generation programming languages. These languages are similar or closer to human languages.General characteristics of 4GL are:i.Closer to human languagesii.Portableiii.Database supportiveiv.simple and requires less effort than 3GLv.Non proceduralDifferent types of 4 GL are:a. Query Generatorb. Report generatorc. Form Generatord. Application Generatore. GUI Generatorf. Relational Database Manager5.Fifth Generation Programming LanguageLanguages used for writing programs for Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Plasma Computing etc. come under 5GL. This is the future of programming language.

What are computer language translators Define each?

computer language translators are programming tools that translate high level languages into the machine language. they include:1)assembler-translates assembly language into machine language. 2)compiler-translates the high level languages into the machine language.

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What is the difference between program language and procedural language?

programming language is of two type 1. procedural programming language 2.non procrdural programming language .. ----non procedural programming language means that which relates with the real world.. for example-oops oops is a non procedural programming language because it relates to the object and object relate to the natural or real world where as that languge which does not belong to the real world is known as procedural language

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How do you change the language in Mafia 2 from Czech to English?

search a sds_en file and replace the sds_ru in mafia folder section pc

What is the correct spelling programed or programmed?

The US still mainly uses the spelling "programmed" with 2 M's, although many -ed and -ing forms do not double the ending consonant for a word.The point is moot in the UK, where the spelling of the noun is programme.

Is Godfather 2 or Mafia 2 better?

mafia 2

What is mafia 2 rated m for?

It is rated M for violence, sexual content, nudity, drugs/alcohol, and language.

What is the classifications of programming languages?

There are only 2 types of language - 1. High level:- All language which we are using comes in this category. 2. Low level:- This are the language which is used for system programing.

What is the best programming language for making a 2 D and or 3 D game not the easiest?


How are spare keys coded to a 2006 ford explorer with OBD-2 software and only 1 old key OR with 2 NON programmed keys?

Must have a programmer. No owner programming without 2 working keys.

2 types of identifiers in C programming language?

1. identifiers beginning with a letter 2. identifiers beginning with an underscore

What do you do after mafia 2?

Wait for mafia 3 :)

Will there be a demo for mafia 2?

there is a demo for mafia 2 you can download it in steam