The scienific name for cheek is Prezwaregalopigas or Stratified (stacked) Squamous (flat) Epithelium (external covering cells)
There is more than one name for a bone cell. The two main types are osteoblasts and osteocytes at a basic level but bone is made up of many types of cells. There is more than one name for a bone cell. The two main types are osteoblasts and osteocytes at a basic level but bone is made up of many types of cells.
yes he did
It is peacock feather...
The scientific name for the receptors of heat is THERMORECEPTOR which is one of catogories of Touch receptor. THERMORECEPTORS are sensitive to change in temperature.
There are always openings for human trials.
the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use
The scientific name for the Parenchyma cell is parenchyma cell.
The scientific name for the human kidney is "ren."
The scientific name for the human windpipe is the trachea.
The scientific name for human eyelash is "cilia."
The scientific name of human growth hormone is somatotropin or somatotrophin.
The scientific name for the female egg cell is ovum.
The scientific name for the human body is Homo sapiens.
The scientific name for a human cheek cell is "buccal mucosa cell." These cells are easily collected from the inside lining of the cheek for various laboratory procedures and tests.
A sperm cell is called a spermatozoon.
Adipose cell
The scientific name for human hair on the scalp is "pili" or "capilli".
The scientific term for the human face is "prosopon."