Java code can be embedded into HTML and also HTML code can be embedded into java code through Java Server Pages Technology (JSP).
eg: Java code inside HTML.
Hello! The time is now <%= new java.util.Date() %>
This is someHelloJavaProgram.jsp , not someHelloJavaProgram.HTML page
eg: HTML code inside Java code
import javax.servlet.*;
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest incoming,
HttpServletResponse outgoing)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = outgoing.getWriter();
Java isn't a page description language like HTML. It's a programming language. Description languages specify content and placement; programming languages describe a process for generating a result. Where there is generally a direct mapping between an HTML description of a document and the result, the relationship between a Java program and its result is likely to be more complex. It's a little like the difference between a list of square roots of numbers from zero to 10 and a program to calculate the list.
This is the code that specifies the Java code to run:
You need a Java-aware browser
Parameters to the applet are placed in tags between the tags. Anything else between these tags is ignored.
(IGNOU - BCA - CS-74 - Q.2(ii) - 2009)
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You don't insert the Java code directly. First you create an applet in Java, then use an HTML tag to insert the Java Applet into a webpage. The HTML tag for this should look like the following:
Java not enabled...
ClassFile.class would contain the compiled code for your applet and the width and height would define the size of the applet on the webpage. You can pass parameters to the applet using the tag. These parameters appear when calling the getParameter("parameter_name") function.
This is a very basic HTML applet tag. If you are looking for something more complex, I'd suggest that you search "HTML JAVA applet tutorial" or something of the sort in any search engine.
<html> <body> java applets</body></html>
I have some experience in HTML but not JavaScript.
HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. The tag is used for various javascripts and Java programs. HTML submit is a form of a script in Java programming.
The REL attribute in HTML is a shortened version of "relationship." REL attributes are used to define the relationship between one file and another.
Yes it does. That is how client side validation of html control is possible using javascript
You cannot. HTML is a static file and it cannot interact with a Java Servlet. A Servlet can always redirect to a HTML page but the other way round cannot happen.
<html> <body> java applets</body></html>
It is not necessary to learn HTML before learning Java. Java is a complete computer programming language. The only reason you would need to know HTML with Java is if you wanted to use Java to generate webpages, or you wanted to create Java applets that you would then embed into webpages using HTML.
I have some experience in HTML but not JavaScript.
HTML is a markup language for the Web. It could be used to create Java applications for the web.
HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. The tag is used for various javascripts and Java programs. HTML submit is a form of a script in Java programming.
The REL attribute in HTML is a shortened version of "relationship." REL attributes are used to define the relationship between one file and another.
Javascript can change how HTML will work, alike how CSS makes HTML look flashy.
This can be accomplished by submitting the form data using the POST method.
by using java script
The answer is : &nbsp;