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Haylee Leannon

Lvl 10
3y ago
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15y ago
  1. Ordinary concrete
    • M10
    • M15
    • M20
  2. Standard Concrete
    • M25
    • M30
    • M35
    • M40
    • M45
    • M50
    • M55
  3. High strength concrete
    • M60
    • M65
    • M70
    • M75
    • M80
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12y ago

M25 - 1:1:2

M20 - 1:1.5:3

M15 - 1:2:4

M10 - 1:3:6

[M20 - Characteristic compressive strength of concrete after 28 days of curing 15cm cube, 1:1.5:3 - cement : sand : aggregate.]

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12y ago

grade 30 concrete is 1:1:2

grade 25 concrete is 1:1.5:3

grade 20 concrete is 1:2:4

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14y ago
  • Mix ratio for M5 concrete is 1:65:2.92.
  • compressive strength is 40N/mm2 @ 28 days.
  • 1 part of cement, 1.65 part of sand, 2.92 parts of coarse aggregate.
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11y ago




M30-Mix Design

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15y ago

Cement water proportion is 0.5 - 0.55

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12y ago

1: 1:2

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Q: What is the mix ratio for each grade of concrete?
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cemet: sand: Agg=1:1:2 (Nominal Mix) Above answer is not as per engineering standards. For concrete mixing ration in M30 grade concrete, the mix has to be designed after testing all the materials including water in labs. When you go for higher grade of concretes the mix has to be designed , it is the water to cement ratio which has to be monitered for higher grades of concrete

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Why is strength of concrete so important in construction?

The strength of concrete depends on the mix used to make it- ratio of cement, sand, gravel and water. If the mix does not produce a concrete that is strong enough, the concrete will break.