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A do while loop is executed at least one time.

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A do-while loop is guaranteed to execute at least once. So a nested do-while loop will also execute the code in each loop a minimum of one time.

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Zero. If the conditional expression isn't true when the loop is reached, the statements will never be executed.

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A do while loop must make at least one iteration.

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A do while loop always performs at least one iteration.

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at least 1 times

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Q: What is the minimum number of times a do- while loop is executed?
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Is do-while loop executed only if the condition is true?

First the body is executed, then the condition gets checked.

Why are the statements in the body of a loop called conditionally executed statements?

These statements are called conditionally executed statements because the may or may not be executed. They will be executed while the boolean (true/false) statement in the beginning of the loop is true, but will not be executed when statement is false.

What is difference between for loop and do-while loop?

The do loop is similar to the forloop, except that the expression is not evaluated until after the do loop's code is executed. Therefore the code in a do loop is guaranteed to execute at least once. The following shows a do loop in action: do { System.out.println("Inside do while loop"); } while(false); The System.out.println() statement will print once, even though the expression evaluates to false. Remember, the do loop will always run the code in the loop body at least once. Be sure to note the use of the semicolon at the end of the while expression.

When would you use a count controlled loop vs. a flag controlled loop?

Counter Loop:Counter loop is a loop which executes statement up to a fixed number of time.In GW FOR ... NEXT loop is used as counter loop.Controlled Loop:Controlled loop is used to extend the statements till a specific condition is satisfied. In GW WHILE ... WEND is used as controlled loop.

What are the components of loop?

a loop consist of data initialization;test condition;updation; example a for loop for(int a=1;a<5;a++) the loop will be executed 5 times four positives result and the last test condition will be failed and the loop will be exited there are many loops some of them are while loop,do...while loop,for loop,maybe more...... do while is an exit check loop and while and for are entry check loop.

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List out the differences between while and dowhile statement?

The do ..while loop is executed at least once, whereas the while loop may not be executed even once.

Name the minimum and maximum member to make up the gram panchayat?

The minimum number is 7 while the maximum is 20 that make up the gram panchayat.

Difference between do while and for loop?

for loop it consists of 3 parts 1. initialization 2. condition 3. incrementation like for(i=1;i<=10;i++).This loop executes 10 times. While loop: This is an entry check loop. First it checks for the condition and if the condition is true then only loop will be executed and this continues till the condition becomes false. ex: i=0; while(i<10) {i++; } This loop executes 10 times. Do loop: This is an exit check loop. This executes the loop at least once even when the condition is false. ex: 1=0; do { i++; }while(i<10);

What did goering do before he was executed?

Goering was not executed. he commited suicide while in custody using a cyanide pill.

Is do-while loop executed only if the condition is true?

First the body is executed, then the condition gets checked.

What is the maximum and minimum signed number that can be stored in a memory location in the 8086 processor?

The 8086/8088 processor is a 16 bit processor. In a 16 bit two's complement notation, the maximum number is 0x7FFF, or 32767, while the minimum number is 0x8000, or -32768.

Why are the statements in the body of a loop called conditionally executed statements?

These statements are called conditionally executed statements because the may or may not be executed. They will be executed while the boolean (true/false) statement in the beginning of the loop is true, but will not be executed when statement is false.

How many citizens served as senators in Rome?

There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.There has never been a head count of the number of citizens that served as senators in ancient Rome over the years. The number fluctuated with the times and with the consuls or dictator who held office. There were, for a minimum, 300 men in the senate. Julius Caesar bloated the senate to 900 and there were at least 600 senators at the time of Actium, as 300 went over to Antony while 300 stayed with Octavian.

What are the difference bitween while and do-while statement in c language?

While loop will be executed only the specified conditions atisfies. Do-While loop executes atleast once before checking for condition. So even a condition fails, the loop will be executed once.

What is the max number of ports on a switch?

The minimum number of ports on most brands of switches is four. While there is no industry rule that limits the number of ports on a single switch, practical application has shown that a minimum of four ports is about right.

Which environment has the least wildlife?

The absolute minimum is in the cold deserts (such as Antarctica). The warmer deserts, while inhospitable, do harbor a significant number of species.

What are the steps in solving problems using two variables?

four times a number is 6 more than three times a second number while 8 times the first number is 22 less than 7 times the second number. find the 2 numbers