You may use it as an identifier, because it is not a reserved word in C.
A standard identifier is a reserved word. Keywords such as for, if, goto, return, continue, break, do, while, final, extern, static and so on are all reserved. Fundamental data types and modifiers such as void, int, char, wchar_t, double, float, long, short, signed, unsigned, const, mutable, constexpr and so on are also reserved. A user-defined identifier is any name (function, class, namespace or alias) that is not a reserved word.
use of reserved word in assembly language
new is the key word which is used to create the instance of class.ex..class Data{psvmain(){Data d=new Data();/*now u can call the all the function in the data class with the help of d variable */}}
If you are asking about member functions. When we declare a function inside a class then that function becomes member function of that class and this function can access the whole class
You cannot have a function named else, because it is a reserved word.
Function is a science class means work, or what it does.
A class D network is reserved for multi-casting. The class E series of network addresses are reserved for experimental purposes. 240 - 255 are reserved for class E addresses.
Class A(government) and E are reserved for special purposes.
All C++ keywords are reserved, as are all variable and function names that begin with two leading underscores.
You may use it as an identifier, because it is not a reserved word in C.
Class D and E are reserved for special purposes. A Class D is 1110 the decimal range will be 224-239. Class E is reserved for InterNIC experiments.
The "main" function name is reserved and specifies the entry point of the application.
A standard identifier is a reserved word. Keywords such as for, if, goto, return, continue, break, do, while, final, extern, static and so on are all reserved. Fundamental data types and modifiers such as void, int, char, wchar_t, double, float, long, short, signed, unsigned, const, mutable, constexpr and so on are also reserved. A user-defined identifier is any name (function, class, namespace or alias) that is not a reserved word.
"Supposed" can function as an adjective.
It is not a reserved word, so can be an identifier (name of a type/variable/function).
To determine the class word in a sentence, you can look at the function of the word within the sentence. Class words are typically nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Identify the role the word plays in the sentence to determine its class.