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.bas file



Now, go and search your computer c:\ directory for the file called: homepage.htm; and, left double click on it to run; your web browser software should automatically launch itself, and, so display the web page output. Right click within an empty space within the web browser page...and, choose View > Source...and, you will be able to see the HTML source codes which were used to originally write the web page with; though, the QBASIC code itself is not displayed but remains entirely hidden.

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Prabitha T

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It depends on the implementation. For instance, the Visual Basic implementation of BASIC defaults to the *.vb file extension while QBASIC defaults to the *.bas file extension.

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Ramit Shrestha

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Prabitha T

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Bas file

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Q: What is the extension of qbasic program?
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How do you open a Qbasic file?

QBASIC GRAPHICS There any many different things you can draw in QBASIC; ranging from... -dots -lines -rectangles -circles -shapes empty/or, filled in(painted) -you can even do LOGO style programming to draw graphics with; by joining up connected lines -animations are possible, too ==== QBASIC BUILT-IN HELP FILE + CODE EXAMPLES In order to view the QBASIC built-in Help file...; first, load the QBASIC program itself...; and, then, do a combination key press of: [SHIFT] + [F1] Use the built-in QBASIC Help file to learn more about how to use these 'graphic related' commands, and, more...! The QBASIC Help file also contains plenty of 'example codes'; which you can just use 'copy &amp; paste'; then, see what the output effect will be...???

What command statement terminates the qbasic program?

END '...END of program/halt program code execution. *NOTE*: There should be only 'one' END statement written inside of a QBASIC program. I have seen example code where they use multiple END statements; this is wrong!

How do you write a qbasic program to find area and circumerence of a circle?

Write a program that calculates the area of a triangle in QBASIC

Write a program in qbasic to make a hut using print statemant?

a triangle then a square :)

Is qbasic a high level language?

The QBASIC program actually comes in 2 different flavors... A&gt; QBASIC interpreter program: QBASIC Version 1.1 B&gt; QBASIC compiler program: QBASIC 4.5/or, QB64/or, -etc., the answer is that this programming language comes in both forms: 'interpreter/compiler' versions; and, you have to select which of these you would prefer to download and use. *NOTE*: The compiler version of the language tends to be much larger; whereas, the interpreter version of the language tends to be small/very compact, indeed; thus, the interpreter tends to take up far less disk space. Many people start off their programming career by using QBASIC version 1.1 'interpreter' program; in order to learn 'how to' program. The interpreter version of the program can only create plain text (.bas) files; the which code CANNOT be shared with others; (not unless the persons who you are sharing this type of code with do already have a copy of the QBASIC interpreter program installed on their own computer). Then, later on, down the line...when they have become fully capable programmers themselves; they go and download a QBASIC 'compiler' program version, instead; which will allow them to go and create stand alone (.exe) program files that they can share with anybody. This is because (.exe) program files can RUN/execute entirely independently of the QBASIC program itself.

Related questions

What extension would a file saved in Qbasic have?

the extensions of qbasic are that, there are only 80 pixels to write in the qbasic

How do you open a Qbasic file?

QBASIC GRAPHICS There any many different things you can draw in QBASIC; ranging from... -dots -lines -rectangles -circles -shapes empty/or, filled in(painted) -you can even do LOGO style programming to draw graphics with; by joining up connected lines -animations are possible, too ==== QBASIC BUILT-IN HELP FILE + CODE EXAMPLES In order to view the QBASIC built-in Help file...; first, load the QBASIC program itself...; and, then, do a combination key press of: [SHIFT] + [F1] Use the built-in QBASIC Help file to learn more about how to use these 'graphic related' commands, and, more...! The QBASIC Help file also contains plenty of 'example codes'; which you can just use 'copy &amp; paste'; then, see what the output effect will be...???

What command statement terminates the qbasic program?

END '...END of program/halt program code execution. *NOTE*: There should be only 'one' END statement written inside of a QBASIC program. I have seen example code where they use multiple END statements; this is wrong!

What is the explanation for the two modes of QBASIC?

(1) Immediate mode In this mode, QBASIC performs the command/instruction that we type in immediately after we press the enter key. (2) Program mode In this mode, the instructions/commands we type in are not performed as we type them in, but are first stored in the computer memory as a program. This program can be executed later, at a high speed.

How do you write a qbasic program to find area and circumerence of a circle?

Write a program that calculates the area of a triangle in QBASIC

A program without an extension name CPP will run?

Yes because a program can run without a CPP extension, especially if program extension is .exe

Write a program in qbasic to make a hut using print statemant?

a triangle then a square :)

What has the author H Tornsdorf written?

H. Tornsdorf has written: 'Windows 3.1 - Trucos y Consejos' 'QBasic for beginners' -- subject(s): QBasic (Computer program language)

Is qbasic a high level language?

The QBASIC program actually comes in 2 different flavors... A&gt; QBASIC interpreter program: QBASIC Version 1.1 B&gt; QBASIC compiler program: QBASIC 4.5/or, QB64/or, -etc., the answer is that this programming language comes in both forms: 'interpreter/compiler' versions; and, you have to select which of these you would prefer to download and use. *NOTE*: The compiler version of the language tends to be much larger; whereas, the interpreter version of the language tends to be small/very compact, indeed; thus, the interpreter tends to take up far less disk space. Many people start off their programming career by using QBASIC version 1.1 'interpreter' program; in order to learn 'how to' program. The interpreter version of the program can only create plain text (.bas) files; the which code CANNOT be shared with others; (not unless the persons who you are sharing this type of code with do already have a copy of the QBASIC interpreter program installed on their own computer). Then, later on, down the line...when they have become fully capable programmers themselves; they go and download a QBASIC 'compiler' program version, instead; which will allow them to go and create stand alone (.exe) program files that they can share with anybody. This is because (.exe) program files can RUN/execute entirely independently of the QBASIC program itself.

What is the extension of C programming?

The extension of c program is ".c".

How do you write a Qbasic program to display these Numbers-0112358132134?

you do this 10 print "0112358132134" use the whole of the thing

Can you write a program that implements cramers rule for 2x2 and 3x3 matrix?

Yes I can. I did it in QBasic about 15 years ago.