Intact Limestone can have a Young's modulus (E) ranging from:
9 GPa - 80 GPa.A,B
Poisson's ratio (v) for intact specimens varies from between:
0.2 - 0.3.B
Bulk modulus (K) derived from the above values using the following relation:
K = E / (3(1-(2v))
Bulk Modulus ranges from:
5 GPa - 66.67 GPa
Shear modulus (G) derived from the above values using the following relation:
G = E / 2(1+v)
Shear modulus ranges from:
3.5 GPa to 33.33 GPa
Limestone is a natural earth material and so significant variability in stiffness properties may occur, as such ranges of values are commonly quoted for the strength of rock and other geotechnical materials. Ideally therefore the user would have access to specific lab test data for the rock type in question.
Please see the related questions.
A Bell, F. G. (2007). Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology. Dunbeath, Whittles Publishing Limited.
B Cobb, F. (2009). Structural Engineer's Pocket Book, Second edition. London, Butterworth-Heinemann.
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Intact sandtone can have a Young's modulus (E) ranging from:
3.24 GPa - 99.9 GPa.A
Poisson's ratio (v) for intact specimens varies from between:
0.2 - 0.35.A
Bulk modulus (K) derived from the above values using the following relation:
K = E / (3(1-(2v))
Bulk Modulus ranges from:
1.8 GPa - 111 GPa
Shear modulus (G) derived from the above values using the following relation:
G = E / 2(1+v)
Shear modulus ranges from:
1.2 GPa to 41.6 GPa
Sandstone is a natural earth material and so significant variability in stiffness properties may occur, as such ranges of values are commonly quoted for the strength of rock and other geotechnical materials. Ideally therefore the user would have access to specific lab test data for the rock type in question.
Please see the related questions.
A Bell, F. G. (2007). Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology. Dunbeath, Whittles Publishing Limited.
The elastic modulus, also called Young's modulus, is identical to the tensile modulus. It relates stress to strain when loaded in tension.
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Yes, indeed. Sometimes tensile modulus is different from flexural modulus, especially for composites. But tensile modulus and elastic modulus and Young's modulus are equivalent terms.
1. Young's modulus of elasticity, E, also called elastic modulus in tension 2. Flexural modulus, usually the same as the elastic modulus for uniform isotropic materials 3. Shear modulus, also known as modulus of rigidity, G ; G = E/2/(1 + u) for isotropic materials, where u = poisson ratio 4. Dynamic modulus 5. Storage modulus 6. Bulk modulus The first three are most commonly used; the last three are for more specialized use
This is known as the Modulus of Elastisity, or Youngs Modulus (in tension/compression) and will be a constant as long as the deformation is in the elastic range.