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If the pulley is frictionless the angle does not matter, the tension in the rope will be the same on both sides of the pulley.

If there is friction in the pulley however then you want to reduce the friction as much as possible. You do that by creating as large an angle between the two ropes as possible.

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efficiency is output divided by input. and input is effort x distance moved by effort. output is load x distance covered by load. so the efficiency depends upon the output and input

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Q: What is the efficiency of the pulley system?
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In a pulley system where does the friction occur tgat reduces the efficiency of the system?

Friction in a pulley system mainly occurs where the rope makes contact with the pulley wheels. This friction results in energy loss, reducing the overall efficiency of the system. Lubricants or ball bearings can help minimize this friction and improve efficiency.

What is the efficiency of the pulley system in percent?

The efficiency of a pulley system is typically around 90-95%. This means that 90-95% of the input energy is transferred to the output energy, with the remaining 5-10% being lost to friction and other factors.

What are variables for a pulley?

Some variables for a pulley system include the radius of the pulley, the force applied to the pulley, the tension in the rope or belt, and the acceleration of the system. Each of these variables can affect how the pulley system functions and can be used to calculate mechanical advantage or efficiency.

What is the formula for the percent efficiency of a pulley?

The formula for the percent efficiency of a pulley is (output work/input work) x 100%. It compares the output work (work done by the pulley) to the input work (work done on the pulley) to determine how efficient the pulley system is in transferring energy.

How does an increase in the load force affect the efficiency of a pulley system?

Increasing the load force in a pulley system can decrease its efficiency due to increased friction and mechanical losses. This leads to a higher amount of energy being required to lift the load, reducing the overall efficiency of the system.

What are some good questions about a pulley?

How does the number of pulleys affect the amount of force required to lift an object? What is the mechanical advantage of using a pulley system? How does friction impact the efficiency of a pulley?

What is the efficiency of a pulley if 25 percent of the energy applied to the system is converted to heat?

The efficiency of the pulley system is 75% if 25% of the energy is lost as heat. This means that 75% of the input energy is used to do useful work, while the remaining 25% is lost as heat.

Rosa has designed a pulley system for a school science project She has determined that as the coefficient of friction increases the efficiency of the pulley decreases With a coefficient of friction?


What is a single pulley system?

A single pulley system consists of one pulley that is attached to a fixed point. It is used to change the direction of a force, making it easier to lift or move objects. By reducing the amount of force required, a single pulley system can increase efficiency in lifting operations.

How does increasing the number of pulleys affect the ideal mechanical advantage and efficiency of pulley system?

Increasing the number of pulleys in a pulley system increases the ideal mechanical advantage, as it reduces the effort needed to lift an object. However, increasing the number of pulleys can also decrease the efficiency of the system, as more energy is lost due to friction and bending of the rope around the pulleys.

In a pulley system where is there likely to be friction that reduces the efficiency?

Friction can occur at the contact points between the pulley and the rope/cable, as well as at the bearings or axle of the pulley. Additionally, friction can be present in the rope/cable itself as it runs through the pulley system, especially if it is old or worn.

1 pulley system more efficient then a 2 pulley system?

Efficiency is the proportion of energy usefully used. Using a pulley system does not use less energy it just changes the ammount of force. Pulleys do have a small ammount of friction so having just one pulley would be more efficient. (but not much more)