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what is weighted codes: The decimal value of a code is obtained summing up the positional values. weghted binary code s are those which obey positional weighting principle. each position of number represents a specific weight. There are millions of weighted code The most common one is 8421 Non weighted codes: This codes are not positionaly weghted. each position with in the binary no is not assgned to afixed value.Examples of nonweghted code is ASCCI, GREY CODE, EBCDIC CODE etc

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

I will answer this by example: BCD is unweighted code, XS3 is weighted by 3 code.

0 in BCD 0000, XS3 0011

1 in BCD 0001, XS3 0100

2 in BCD 0010, XS3 0101

3 in BCD 0011, XS3 0110

4 in BCD 0100, XS3 0111

5 in BCD 0101, XS3 1000

6 in BCD 0110, XS3 1001

7 in BCD 0111, XS3 1010

8 in BCD 1000, XS3 1011

9 in BCD 1001, XS3 1100

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โˆ™ 12y ago

weighted codes are the codes which having the specific weight asign to the each number position, non-weighted codes are the codes which having the no weight

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โˆ™ 13y ago

dnt knw idiot

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Q: What is the difference between weighted and non weighted codes?
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Examples of weighted and non weighted codes?

Weighted codes assign different significance to each digit in a number representation, such as 8421 BCD code assigns weights of 8, 4, 2, and 1 respectively to each bit. In contrast, non-weighted codes like Gray code do not follow a positional weight pattern, where only one bit changes at a time when moving from one value to another to reduce errors in analog-to-digital conversion systems.

What is non weighted code give you its example?

Weighted codes have there bits presented in weightage. Simply put weighted codes are codes used for arithmetic operation. And unweighted codes there are no values for the bits. Simply put they can not be used for calculations. Examples are 8421 (BCD) binary, hex, octal ETC. For the former And grey codes, excess-3 etc. For the later.

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