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both are same using for rotating the turbine initially

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Q: What is the difference between turbine turning gear and barring gear?
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What is warm rolling of steam turbine?

You don't start a large turbine cold. Typically, the lubrication system is started, the turning gear is engaged and warming steam (a small amount of steam, not enough to turn the turbine) is admitted to the turbine to warm and initially expand the shaft and casing. If this isn't done, thermal shock from the admission of high pressure superheated steam into the cold turbine could damage it.

Why the gas turbine engine has nose painted with spiral line?

So you can tell if the motor is turning (running) just by looking.

What does a nuclear reactor do in a nuclear power plant?

You rip apart an atom which releases great energy in the form of heat. The energy causes water to evaporate which turns a turbine. The turning turbine creates electricity. This is how a nuclear reactor works.

Is gas turbine an ic engine?

Gas turbines are a type of Internal Combustion engine, however; Assuming that you want to know the difference between a recpirocating piston engine and a gas turbine engine, the simple answer is that ICE's (Internal combustion engines) create work by moving a crank that is connected to a piston. An explosion in the piston chamber pushes a piston (or series of pistons) attached to a crankshaft, which turns the shaft. The gas turbine works by turning a shaft connected to a turbine. The turbine is powered by a compressed feul-air mixture. A stream of gas is compressed with air and forced through a chamber containing the turbine. The turbine turns the shaft as a result of complex mechanics that control the movement and flow of the compressed fuel-air mixture. The basic mechanical difference: A reciprocating piston engine uses a linear "back and forth" motion to turn a shaft, and the gas turbine engines relies on a constant circular motion to turn a shaft.

What is the difference between drilling a hole using a pedestal drill compared to drilling on a metal turning lathe?

On a pedestal drill the workpiece is static and the drill is in a vertical position and rotates. On a lathe the workpiece rotates but not the drill, and the drill is in a horizontal position.

Related questions

What is difference between turning machine and lathe machine?

There is no difference between a turning machine and a lathe. They are two names for the same kind of machine

What is the difference between twisting and turning?

different between twist and turn

What kind of energy is turbine blades turning?

The energy produced by turbine blades turning is typically mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy through a generator connected to the turbine.

What is hydrolectricity?

electricity created by the flow of water turning a turbine

What is the differences between milling and turning?

Basic difference between turning and milling is that , In turning the tool is fixed and the job rotates whereas in milling the job is fixed and the tool rotates

What does a turbine produce?

A turbine is most commonly connected to a generator to produce electricity. The turbine may be turned by water falling into it, and a generator produces electricity by turning through a magnetic field.

How we Can produce electricity by turning a turbine?

Electricity can be produced by turning a turbine through the process of electromagnetic induction. When a turbine is rotated, it spins a magnet within a coil of wire, creating a changing magnetic field that induces an electric current in the wire. This current is then captured and converted into usable electricity.

What describes this energy transformation from the turning turbine to electricity?

The energy transformation from the turning turbine to electricity is a conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy. As the turbine spins, it drives a generator which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction. This process allows the kinetic energy of the moving turbine to be transmitted and utilized as electrical power.

Explain how we can produce electricity by turning a turbine?

Electricity can be produced by turning a turbine through a process known as electromechanical energy conversion. When a turbine is rotated by a force such as wind, water, or steam, it spins a shaft connected to a generator. The rotation of the turbine causes the generator to produce electricity as the magnetic field created within the generator interacts with the conductive coils, inducing an electric current.

The difference between turning and cranking an engine?

generally , cranking an engine is done with igniton where turning is done by hand with the ignition off so as it will not start

What is the difference between turning off and restart?

Turning off it stays off until you turn it on, restart just automaticlly turns off then back on.

What is the difference between nutrition and respiration?

Nutrition is the process by which organisms obtain and utilize nutrients for growth and energy. Respiration is the process of transferring energy from food molecules to ATP, which the cell uses for energy. While nutrition involves acquiring nutrients from the environment, respiration involves the internal process of breaking down these nutrients to release energy.