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Q: What is the difference between signal processing and signal conditioning?
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What is the best signal processing either a analog signal processing?

Digital signal processing is the best compared to analog signal. It is because the digital signal is moreefficienterror freeimmune to noisethan an analog signal

What is the difference between the modulating signal and the demodulating signal in output of the detector?


What is Discrete time signal processing?

While processing a signal through a channel, it is preferred to sample it. It is because of the following reasonsAs we send only the samples, the gap between samples can be used to send another signal.Multiplexing is possibleSamples occupy less space than signalsTotal signal may not be required to recover dataAnd hence we use samples which are nothing but discrete time signals. hence, it is called discrete time signal processing.

What is the latest research in vlsi signal processing?

Earlier, signal processing was mainly dealt with MATLAB and Simulink. DSP processors were used to process those signals. But now, VLSI platform such as FPGA and CPLD are used for the same purpose. Design and implementation of signal processing on FPGAs and CPLDs is the latest research in VLSI signal processing. Even in this domain, speech processing is mainly researched now.

Difference between laplace transform and z transform?

the difference is the "S" and "Z" parameters. S used for analog computation while Z for digital processing. basically Z is the digital approximation of the analog frequency domain signal. Z=exp(sT) where T is the sampling time.

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Difference between analog and digital signal processing?

we can do analog signal processing also but it is very expensive as comparing with digital signal processing that's why we generally choose the digital signal processing.DSP allows programmable operations.But we cannot do in ASP.

What is difference between vga and lcd display?

The main difference between the tow is the signal. VGA uses an analog signal and DVI is a digital signal.

What is signal signal conditioning and why do you need it?

In electronics, signal conditioning means manipulating an analogue signal in such a way that it meets the requirements of the next stage for further processing. Most common use is in analog-to-digital converters.In control engineering applications, it is common to have a sensing stage (which consists of a sensor), a signal conditioning stage (where usually amplification of the signal is done) and a processing stage (normally carried out by an ADC and a micro-controller). Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are commonly employed to carry out the amplification of the signal in the signal conditioning stage.So, a signal conditioning circuit includes a logarithmic signal compression circuit for compressing wide dynamic range input signals to a dynamic range which is a predetermined portion of the dynamic range of an output utilization apparatus. There is provided, additionally, means for detecting the presence of the high level signals and superimposing a signal representative of the high level signals on the compressed signals to provide a combined output signal which, while compressed to the range of the output utilization apparatus, contains definable low level and high level signals from a wide dynamic range input signal.

What is the expansion of Digital Signal Processing?

Digital Signal Processing

What is the best signal processing either a analog signal processing?

Digital signal processing is the best compared to analog signal. It is because the digital signal is moreefficienterror freeimmune to noisethan an analog signal

What is the difference between signal and wave?

wave is a part of a signal . millions of wave construct a signal .

What is the difference between the modulating signal and the demodulating signal in output of the detector?


What is difference between digital image processing and digital signal processing?

Digital Image Processing is a type of Digital manipulation pertaining to pictures and video. "Photoshopping" a digital picture is an example of Digital Image Processing. Another example is what takes place in a digital camera when the image is captured on the image sensor and converted into a JPEG file to be saved on a memory card. Digital Signal Processing is a generic term for any manipulation of a Digitally encoded signal, such as Audio, Video, or Radio Signals. This also includes Digital Image Processing where there is a signal being sent from one part of a system to another, such as in a digital camera. There are Microprocessors that are specifically built to process digital signals known as "Digital Signal Processors" (or DSP's).

What are basic elements of digital signal processing?

The basic elements in digital signal processing are an analog to digital converter, digital signal processor, and digital to analog converter. This process can take an analog input signal, convert it to digital for processing and offer an analog output.

What is digital signal processing system?

DSP -Digital signal processing the word it self says it is process of analyzing the digital signal . The system which does this work of analysis is the digital signal processing system. In this system the raw analog signal(ex:human voice) which is time domain signal is fed to the pre aliasing filter which removes noise part of the signal and this fed to the sampling and quantization in which the real time analog signal is discretized and digitized . After this process this digitized signal is fed to the DSP processor to do the specific operation on the signal (ex: convolution , modulation etc.,) .This processed signal is fed to the D/A which converts the digital signal to the analog signal real time signal. after all explaining the process of signal processing. the stages between the sampling and D/A is the digital processing system.

How the use of sky waves affects the measured time difference in Loran C?

The use of sky waves in Loran C can introduce errors in the measured time difference due to signal distortion, multipath interference, and signal attenuation. These factors can cause the signal to arrive at the receiver with a delay or in an altered state, leading to inaccuracies in determining the time difference between the signals from different transmitters. These errors can be minimized through signal processing techniques and calibration procedures.

Which is the best text book for digital signal processing?

Signal processing and linear systems by B.P LATHI