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Resistance box will provide resistance of discrete values such as 1, 2, 3 ohms or 0.1,0.2, 0.3 ohms. So interim values are not possible.

But rheostat gives a chance to vary the resistance continuously. It may be 5 ohm or even 5.769 ohm.

So just to fix current for a specified value such 1.5 ampere resistance box will not be suitable where as a rheostat is the most suitable.

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Q: What is the difference between resistance box and rheostat?
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What is a resistance decade box?

Resistance decade box is nothing but Resistance bank. It has various ranges of Resistance value ranging from few ohms to few mega ohms. In other terms, large value of resistance are fabricated in single box is said to be Resistance decade box.

What is the difference between block box and white box testing?

White box testing or unit testing: To do white box testing, knowledge of internal logic code is required. It is mostly done by developers.Black box testing: The functionality of an application is tested; logic code is not required. This testing is done by testers.Block box or system testing: Testing the application without knowledge of underline code of the application. it is done by the testers.

What symbol is often used for electrical resistance?

I have never come across a symbol for an electrical resistance box. As the resistance box is a test instrument and it would not be drawn on any electrical schematic there may not be a symbol designated for it. The last letter of the Greek alphabet is (Ω omega) and it is used for the electrical symbol for resistance.

Why rotor contactor in external resistance of slipring motor connected in delta?

rotor contactor are used to cut the resistance in slip-ring motor connected through resistance box. resistance is proportional to torque. so by controlling rotor contactor resistance can be controlled and hence torque can be controlled. for more information check torque and speed characteristic of wound motor.

What should the value of the resistance box for a 5 hp slipring induction motor?

its depends upon rotor voltage and current

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A resistance box is a device that contains a set of fixed resistors that can be connected in various combinations to achieve different resistance values. A rheostat is a variable resistor that can be adjusted to change the resistance in a circuit. A resistor is a general term for a component that resists the flow of electrical current in a circuit and comes in fixed resistance values.

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What is the use of resistance box?

The use of a resistance box or a "Decade Box" is to help calibrate instruments used to measure electrical values such as Voltage, Current, and Resistance. Without them you would not have a known value of resistance to use as a set point.

What is a resistance decade box?

Resistance decade box is nothing but Resistance bank. It has various ranges of Resistance value ranging from few ohms to few mega ohms. In other terms, large value of resistance are fabricated in single box is said to be Resistance decade box.