IC stand for Integrated Circuit, so all microcontrollers is IC's but not all IC's is microcontrollers. There is millions of IC types with different porpoises some is microprocessors some is microcontrollers but most IC's has other functions like Oppamps, timers, logic gates, regulator ETC.
The difference is base on the requirement of their0 application.
Psoc includes the analog and digital component where else in controller only digital. :P
There is no thermodynamic difference between them .
i dnt know im asking from u
The TDA7512 is an AM/FM Car Stereo Tuner IC with substantial integration onboard, allowing implementation to be accomplished with a minimum of external components. I would consider it to be a microcontroller.
The basic difference between the microprocessor and microcontroller is that we can interface a microcontroller directly means "for example we can directly connect a keyboard to microcontroller to any of its ports"....where as for microprocessor we can't interface directly...we require a circuit board since it requires ram,ic's.....etc.,! beyrojac mahinay
microcontroller is a computer on a chip (IC) which contains processor which is programmed mainly by C language and used to control systems such as elevator, cars.... and so on.PIC is a type of microcontroller products from micochip company.
The difference is base on the requirement of their0 application.
embedded system also include microcontroller.
The difference between a single board computer and microcontroller is that a single board lacks a general purpose interface and the mass storage devices.
Psoc includes the analog and digital component where else in controller only digital. :P
There is no thermodynamic difference between them .
i dnt know im asking from u
Automobile engines are ic (internal combustion).
Check these articles:http://www.ucpros.com/work%20samples/Microcontroller%20Communication%20Interfaces%201.htmhttp://www.ucpros.com/work%20samples/Microcontroller%20Communication%20Interfaces%202.htm
89s51 and 89s52 both are same version of 8051 microcontroller