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Voltage commutation: This is possible in ac circuits...The thyristor gets turned off by reverse bias (negative half cycle) voltage applied across it. This is also called line commutation.

Current Commutation: This is possible in dc circuits ...This type of commutation makes use of auxiliary circuit which contains inductor,capacitor,diode and even a thyristor(auxiliary). This is called Forced commutation.

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Q: What is the difference between current and voltage commutation?
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current flows as a result of potential difference i.e. in a circuit if there is no voltage difference between two points, no current can flow between those two points. So voltage has to be produced first.

How does voltage commutation work in DC machine?

In voltage commutation process, the introduction of interpoles between main poles compensate armature mmf and reduces the effect of armature reaction.

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The main Difference between Voltage and Current Feedback Amplifiers is in the sampled(Output) signals. In Voltage feedback the sampled signal is voltage (Vf=Beta*Vo) where Vo is the sampled signal and for current feedback it is current signal (Vf=Beta*Io).

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Power factor measures the phase difference between voltage and current. If they are in phase the Power Factor is one. If the current and voltage are out of phase the power factor is between zero and one. You can describe the PF by saying the current lags the voltage with a PF = .8 or the voltage leads the current with a .8 PF.

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Generally there are two methods of improving Commutation :- 1.Resistance Commutation 2.Emf or Voltage Commutation The Commutation can also be improve by using interpoles and compensating windings.

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For a current to flow between two points, those points must have a potential difference (voltage) across them.

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To sense the current flow across the current transformers and to monitor the current ratings. In current transformers no voltage variations occurs. but in voltage transformers it is mainly used to increase or decrease the voltage value.

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The difference between a current control device and voltage controlled device is that for current controlled device, the current is constant and the voltage is variable while for a voltage controlled device, the voltage is constant and the current is variable.

What is the difference between voltage ang current?

voltage: it is the potentail difference between two wires. or it is the amount of energy used to force the electrons.current: it is the flow of free Balaji,NITCAnswerThere is no such expression as 'potential voltage'. 'Voltage' is simply another word for 'potential difference'.

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1.resistance commutation 2.e.m.f commutation