A personal computer is something that a single person (or family) would own and use. It's probably the type of computer you're using to browse this website. Mainframe computers are usually servers of some sort.
A personal computer might cost $500 to $5,000 depending on features, a mainframe might cost $100,000 to $10,000,000 depending on features.
A personal computer is almost always sold outright, rarely are they leased. Many mainframe computers are leased at a monthly rate a small fraction of total price, thus allowing easy upgrade to the next model at a small incremental monthly cost instead of buying a whole new machine outright.
* It is difficult for me to answer this precisely as I am not related technically to Main Frames.I 've read a lot about main frames and i can hence understand though i 've not worked on them.I recommend everyone new to Main Frames to read as much as you can,different definitions to understand this concept completely.Ok coming to the question, I 've come across this very good page that explains in detail what a Main Frame OS is.It is not very precise but still gives a glimpse of what a Main Frame OS can be.Check this page, http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg246366.htmland download the PDF or view the page as HTML.If there's some confusion search and read about the following
1.what an Operating System is and how it works ?
2.What are MainFrames?
on Wikipedia, or answers.com for easy understanding.
1) A mainframe will support multiple users. A personal computer originally supported only one user at a time (Windows can now have simultaneous login sessions).
2) Multitasking. A mainframe must be able to multitask between different threads. Today, PC OSs do as well but earlier versions didn't have true preemptive multitasking.
3) Remote access. Most mainframes can be remotely managed. No such requirement on a PC.
4) A mainframe should easily support a large number of processes. A PC might not be well suited to this.
a sprite is a computer program that moves.
There are quite a few differences between a compact computer and other computers. Compact computers are easier to take with you.
In computer programming, these two terms are interchangeable.
computer application is just software, IT (information technology) in general is an organization, or the persons within that organization. They are totally different, apple and Apple computer!
a dedicated computer control the machine tool in CNC and in DNC a no: of machines are controlled by a central computer.
the difference is that the mainframe is bigger and more expensive.
For a mainframe with terminals, data processing takes place on the mainframe computer only as the terminals are 'dumb'. Conversely, in a network of computers, each computer has its own processor.
1) A mainframe will support multiple users. A personal computer originally supported only one user at a time (Windows can now have simultaneous login sessions). 2) Multitasking. A mainframe must be able to multitask between different threads. Today, PC OSs do as well but earlier versions didn't have true preemptive multitasking. 3) Remote access. Most mainframes can be remotely managed. No such requirement on a PC. 4) A mainframe should easily support a large number of processes. A PC might not be well suited to this.
There is a big difference between a personal computer and a mainframe. A personal computer is what you're probably use to; a computer that lets you access the internet, run programs, edit documents, etc. A mainframe, on the other hand, is a much more powerful computer that is usually connected to a network. This kind of computer provides services for other computers on the network. It may store files, manage access to network resources like printers, or perform heavy-duty computational tasks. Since mainframes are usually accessed over a network, they do not usually need a keyboard, mouse, or screen of their own.
The difference between desktop computer and personal computer is that desktop computer is for everyone and personal computer is for your own self!
IBM produced their first mainframe computer in 1952. Between 1952 and the late 1970's the term "mainframe computer" was automatically linked with IBM because they had the largest share of the computer market.
a mainframe is any physically large computera supercomputer is a computer deliberately designed to have at least 10 times the performance of the highest performance computers usually available on the market at that time
a main frame computer is a large-scale computers but a super computer are larger than mainframe while a mini computer is smaller in size, have lower processing speed and also have lower cost than mainframe computers.
The basic difference is that @ mainframe platform u can run more than one OS at a time on same machine but this feature not available at PC OS. Mainframe OS are targeted to handle hundreds of users at a time whereas PC OS is targeted for a single user. The only major difference is that a mainframe operating system will probably need to service many users at the same time, whereas a PC operating system normally only has to worry about one user at a time. There are some differences between personal computer OS and mainframe OS, one of them a mainframe OS can be used by many users at the same time so it must need to service for many users. However a personal computer operating system designed for one user normally.second of them a mainframe OS is more powerful and expensive than PC OS. Mainframe OS designed to huge process from many users and it means, it manages lots of I/O for many users, but in PC OS there is just one user to log in it means, it does not manages lots of I/O for one user. Mainframe OS offers three kinds of service batch, transaction processing and timesharing. Personal computer OS used for some basic processing like word processing, spreadsheets and Internet access that PC OS is supports multiprogramming.
Main Frame computers are designed to handle large corporations. Mini computers are designed for much smaller performance.