Phasors are actually vectors but they represent something specific. Vectors can be used in many situations to represent anything that has magnitude and direction, and in any number of dimensions. Vectors can be used for exactly what phasors are used for, but use of the word 'phase' in 'phase-vector' or 'phasor' carries with it, some implied information:
A phase-vector specifically represents a sinusoid by implying in it, a frequency of rotation about the origin point. A single phasor thus has an implied circular locus. The relevance of the angle is with respect to other phasors drawn in the same diagram and the conventional reference is what you would normally draw as the positive horizontal x axis on a common graph. Phase angles are measured in an anti-clockwise direction from that line. A phasor is actually drawn in the Argand plane which accommodates complex numbers. Therefore every location in the Argand plane can represent a phasor typically in one of the following forms:
R + j X , R is the real-component and X is the imaginary component
|Z|eja , where a s the phase angle (radians), Z is the magnitude of the vector.
A( cos(wt) + j sin(wt) ), where w = 2 pi f
f = frequency
A = amplitude
Note: phasors are often used in electronic engineering so the symbol j is used
to represent sqrt(-1). In pure mathematics, the symbol i is used.
The advantage of encoding so much information into the phasor is that it makes
possibly difficult calculations into simple vector additions.
For example, it is possible to consider a long phasor as a static reference on the diagram (even though it is implied to be rotating), and place on it's point, another small phasor that rotates compared to the reference. In this case, the dynamic vector sum of the phasors will describe something known as the 'capture effect' in FM radio.
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A vector is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction (x, y, z; or polar coordinates). A phasor is a mathematical quantity created in electronics to explain AC behavior; it has magnitude and phase (units in degrees or radians). The phase has nothing to do with the angle in polar coordinates.
Alternative AnswerA phasor is a rotating vector. Whereas a vector represents quantity and direction, a phasor represents quantity and displacement measured in a counterclockwise direction. Phasors are used in electrical engineering to represent certain AC quantities -e.g. the relationship between current and voltage.A(t) = Am sin(ωt ± Φ) representing the sinusoid in the time-domain form. But when presented mathematically in this way it is sometimes difficult to visualise this angular or phase difference between two or more sinusoidal waveforms so sinusoids can also be represented graphically in the spacial or phasor-domain form by aPhasor Diagram, and this is achieved by using the rotating vector method.Ansh
could you give a schematic diagram of vector dyn 1
Theoretically, it can be drawn at any angle. Normally, however. it is drawn along the real, positive, axis (i.e. facing East). For series circuits, the reference phasor is the current and, for parallel circuits, the reference phasor is the voltage. For transformers, it is the flux.
Most definitely not, as resistance, reactance, and impedance are not themselves phasor quantities. However, it is derived from a phasor diagram (by dividing a voltage phasor diagram by the reference phasor, current).
Pipeline processing involves a string of data processed in a chain reaction. This means the output of the first data point processing is the input of the next processing point. Vector processing involves a CPU and only one-dimensional arrays of data. This is similar to how a basic computer functions.
"Vector" is a description of magnitude and direction, and can apply to any quantity that has magnitude and direction, such as an aircraft's flight path. "Phasor" is a vector as used in alternating current electrical/electronic circuits. Calculations are the same as for general-purpose vector math, but the quantities are typically phase angle, voltage, voltage, current, resistance, reactance and impedance. Some calculations will use conductance, admittance and susceptance.
Yes, although we call it a phasor, rather than a vector. This is because voltage has displacement, rather than direction.
A(t) = Am sin(ωt ± Φ) representing the sinusoid in the time-domain form. But when presented mathematically in this way it is sometimes difficult to visualise this angular or phase difference between two or more sinusoidal waveforms so sinusoids can also be represented graphically in the spacial or phasor-domain form by aPhasor Diagram, and this is achieved by using the rotating vector method.Ansh
The difference is the length of the vector.
They are the same.
the current has a magnetude and phase angle or a phasor which in polar form
the difference between resultant vector and resolution of vector is that the addition of two or more vectors can be represented by a single vector which is termed as a resultant vector. And the decomposition of a vector into its components is called resolution of vectors.
List is not sync'd as a vector is.
vector is usually is the arthropodes carrying the parasites such as mosquitoes.
Equilibrant vector is the opposite of resultant vector, they act in opposite directions to balance each other.
could you give a schematic diagram of vector dyn 1
Theoretically, it can be drawn at any angle. Normally, however. it is drawn along the real, positive, axis (i.e. facing East). For series circuits, the reference phasor is the current and, for parallel circuits, the reference phasor is the voltage. For transformers, it is the flux.