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An LED is an electircal component which converts electrical energy into light energy whereas an LDR uses light to complete the circuit and maintain the flow of current.

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LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and LDR stands for Light Dependent Resister.

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Q: What is the difference between LDR and LED?
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Nothing. An led is a solid state device.

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There is no difference. They are just different ways of saying the same thing. I hope this helps :)

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The difference between led hdtv and lcd hdtv is that the led uses led lighting instead of lcd lighting that's used in computers and cell phones. the lcd hdtv is the oldest model and the led is the newest. With the led the picture is clearer.

What is an LDR symbol?

An LDR is a Light dependent resistor.

Which televisions are better, LED or LCD?

There's not much of a difference, the quality really depends on the brand. The biggest difference between LED and LCD is that LCD has fluorescent lamps in it and LED has LED lights in the back of the screen.

What is the meaning of LDR?

LDR refers to Light Dependent Resistor.

What is the life difference between lcd TV and led TV?

lcd having more life then led.

What is the difference between LED and Energy Saver Lamps?

I am not sure. But what I know is that LED or LED lampen is an example of an energy saver lamp.

What is the principle of operation of LDR?

Working of light dependent resistor This circuit explains the principle of operation of LDR (light dependence resistor). The circuit has various applications like shadow alarm, automatic night/morning lamp. LDR, an acronym for light dependent resistor is a resistor whose resistance is dependent on light. The resistance of LDR is of the order of Mega Ohms in the absence of light and reduces to a few ohms in presence of light. In this circuit when the light falls on LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes low and the entire voltage drop takes place across the variable resistance VR1 (10K). As a result the base of transistor (T1) gets high input and it gets biased thereby glowing the LED. When no light falls on LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes high so almost entire voltage drop takes place across it and the base of transistor is at low potential. So transistor does not gets biased nor it becomes conducting, hence switching off the LED. The sensitivity of the circuit can be adjusted by varying the preset VR1. LDR, an acronym for light dependent resistor is a resistor whose resistance is dependent on light. The resistance of LDR is of the order of Mega Ohms in the absence of light and reduces to a few ohms in presence of light. In this circuit when the light falls on LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes low and the entire voltage drop takes place across the variable resistance VR1 (10K). As a result the base of transistor (T1) gets high input and it gets biased thereby glowing the LED. When no light falls on LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes high so almost entire voltage drop takes place across it and the base of transistor is at low potential. So transistor does not gets biased nor it becomes conducting, hence switching off the LED. The sensitivity of the circuit can be adjusted by varying the preset VR1.

What are non ohmic devices give an example?

non ohmic devices are diodes, LED's, Thermistors, LDR(light dependent resistors, cells in series.