HTML is a widely accepted web-design language. With HTML, you surround a block of text with “tags” that indicate how the text should appear or what purpose it has in a document. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) make it faster and easier to create and maintain websites. CSS works with HTML (or any markup language) to apply a uniform style and format to your website. CSS allows you to set your site’s fonts, colors, layouts and more without repeating the HTML formatting tags throughout. SSL
HTML is the structure of a website and CSS is the style of the website think of it as a skyscraper if it didn't have CSS then it will just be a metal sticks going up but with CSS it has walls, color, windows, etc... so you can probably see there is a lot of differences between HTML & CSS i hope this helped
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a widely accepted web-design language. HTML is responsible for the construction, and the total output, of a page. There are three "sections" of a decent HTML document source: Inline, Internal, and External. Inline markup goes in the <body> tag, and defines the webpage's base layout. It structures the output of a webpage, such as creating tables and divisions (And the data in them), forms and buttons, links (And anchors), or even just normal text and images (And videos, flash documents, etc). Inline markup is not generally used to decorate the page with colors and borders, as these methods are usually deprecated. HTML should be used to create the structure of a webpage - Not decorate it with borders, lines, and colors (Although it's possible). Internal markup goes in the <head> tag (Excluding DtD's, which go in the first line of a document, etc). Most of the time, users do not directly see anything in internal markup (With the exception of something such as the <title> of a page). Internal markup can declare some special things about a page that the user won't notice, such as the Character Set Declaration, the Document Type Declaration, and keywords (For search engine purposes) to that webpage. Multi-web-language documents need to use Internal markup to link the multiple languages together (Like CSS and JavaScript), so in a way, Internal markup is also used for decorating, aligning (etc), and making dynamic things, out of Inline markup. External markup is markup (Of any language) not contained in the HTML document, but in a different file. The contents of this file, to retrieve the markup, can usually be called by Internal Markup. External markup could effect the webpage in vast variety of ways. ---- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is another widely-accepted web-design language. Unlike HTML, CSS does not "create" anything. Instead, it decorates, aligns, and positions (etc) elements in HTML. In a nutshell, CSS takes the normal HTML output and adds a few rules to how it's actually displayed. CSS can edit things such as element width and height, background color, border, alignment, and actual visibility, for starters. HTML is capable of doing some of these things, but as mentioned earlier, the methods are usually deprecated, or are soon to be deprecated. CSS is incorporated into a webpage using Internal markup (In the <head>; in <style> tags) or external markup (From a ".css" file).
There's a lot. Firstly, HTML is a markup language. It doesn't contain any logical operators or conditionals. (You can't do math, and you can't decide what to do.)
It's really just a language that describes the way a browser should render the page. It's interpreted, meaning that the browser reads the text and turn the text into what you see.
C, on the other hand, is a full-fledged programming languages. It does math and can make decisions. It has INPUT, and then based off the input, dynamically produces output.
C is also a compiled language. Meaning, that the C program you run has to be turned into 1s and 0s for the machine to read ahead of time. Every time you change the program, you have to recompile. Anytime you change computers, you have to recompile (sorta.)
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. If you've noticed most URLs end in .html, it is what almost all webpages are written in.
CSS is a programming language that will easily format .html files. It is used on many websites to make them look much better without making the .html file excessively large.
What I learned from this is that CSS has some advantages over HTML. CSS is stored in browser cache; therefore it can be used on multiple pages without being reloaded, increasing download speeds and reducing data transfer over a network. CSS can be used to apply style to whole page or the website without changing much of the code. The look and layout of a site can be changed beyond recognition just by altering the CSS file. I also learned that a search engine robot normally considers the content in the start of your HTML code to be more important than the text towards the end of the code. With a CSS page, the navigation can be moved to the bottom of the source code, so the search engine displays your content instead of the navigation.
Pretty much nothing. CSS is a presentation language, used to attach look and feel information to structural markup languages.
HTML on the other hand, is a structural markup language. Used to layout information in a logical way.
That said, they're both written in plain text, and both interpreted by the browser. But that's got nothing to do with the languages, really. That's more about their implementation.
In short, CSS and HTML have virtually nothing in common, which is why they work well together.
HTML is a web language used to create the basics of a web page. It defines the different elements of a page. It stands for HyperText Markup Language. CSS is used to add style to these elements. It stands for Cascading Style Sheet. With CSS, you can change the colour position, etc. of HTML elements.
The difference between C and the advanced C is that C is basic. On the other hand, the advanced C is thorough and to the detail.
You can't. HTML is a markup language. C is a programming language. You can make C generate HTML, but C isn't anything like HTML in the way it functions.
The main difference is in between grade A,B & C IS THE CARBON CONTAIN OF THE MATERIALS.
the answer is 304C
No. C Scripting can not be incorporated into an HTML file.
DHTML combines HTML, JavaScript, the HTML DOM, and CSS.
The difference between C and the advanced C is that C is basic. On the other hand, the advanced C is thorough and to the detail.
The C and C programming languages are one and the same. There is no difference between those languages.
Client side HTML can be seen as dynamic HTML but not much effective. Server Side Dynamic HTML is much more effective.
You can't. HTML is a markup language. C is a programming language. You can make C generate HTML, but C isn't anything like HTML in the way it functions.
The difference between 28°C and 25°C is 3°C. This means that 28°C is 3 degrees warmer than 25°C.
The main difference is in between grade A,B & C IS THE CARBON CONTAIN OF THE MATERIALS.
There is no objects in C.
the answer is 304C