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Before we look at the complimentary mRNA sequence of the given DNA sequence, let us remember that RNA contains uracil (U) in place of Thiamine (T)

The querry sequence is:


So the mRNA sequence would be:


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Ivy Kreiger

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2y ago
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Emanuel Stehr

Lvl 10
2y ago

The mRNA sequence of t-a-c-a-t-c-t-t-g-g-c-g-a-c-g-a-c-t is UTGTUGUUCCGCTGCTGU.

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Gonzalo Abernathy

Lvl 13
2y ago

The mRNA sequence of t-a-c-a-t-c-t-t-g-g-c-g-a-c-g-a-c-t is UTGTUGUUCCGCTGCTGU.

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Wiki User

15y ago

Before we look at the complimentary mRNA sequence of the given DNA sequence, let us remember that RNA contains uracil (U) in place of Thiamine (T)

The querry sequence is:


So the mRNA sequence would be:


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13y ago

The mRNA sequence of t-a-c-a-t-c-t-t-g-g-c-g-a-c-g-a-c-t is UTGTUGUUCCGCTGCTGU.

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13y ago

the mRNA sequence is AUG CAG UUA AUU CGA UGA, so the amino acid sequence is Methionine (Start)-Glutamine-Leucine-Asparagine-Arganine-Stop Codon

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14y ago

the mRNA sequence is A U G A U C U U C A A A A T G G A A U G A

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11y ago

A t g t g g a a c c g t g

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12y ago


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Q: What is the amino acid sequence for t a c a c c t t g g c g a c g a c t?
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How do you write the amino acid sequence for u-g-a-u-g-g-g-u-a-c-g-g-u-c?

The given sequence "U-G-A-U-G-G-G-U-A-C-G-G-U-C" represents the RNA sequence, not the amino acid sequence. To determine the corresponding amino acid sequence, you would need to perform translation by converting the RNA sequence into its complementary DNA sequence, then group the nucleotides into codons, and use the genetic code to find the corresponding amino acids.

How does the DNA nucleotide sequence determine the amino acid sequence?

The DNA nucleotide sequence contains information that is transcribed into mRNA, which carries the genetic code from the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The ribosomes then translate the mRNA sequence into the corresponding amino acid sequence, following the genetic code where each set of three nucleotides (codon) codes for a specific amino acid. This process determines the amino acid sequence in a protein.

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Transcription of the DNA sequence CAT would produce the messenger RNA sequence CAU. This mRNA sequence would then be translated by ribosomes to produce the amino acid histidine.

What would be the effect of a mutation that changed the c of the anticodon to a g?

Changing the "c" in the anticodon to a "g" will result in a different tRNA with a changed anticodon sequence. This mutation may lead to mispairing with the wrong codon during translation, potentially causing errors in protein synthesis.

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A t g t g g a a c c g t g

A strand of mRNA has the bases adenine-cytosine-uracil Which amino acid corresponds to these bases?

Pro. Thr.

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The amino acid chain produced by the sequence is histidine-phenylalanine-lysine-serine. The sequence CAA codes for histidine, GTA for valine, TTA for phenylalanine, TTT for lysine, ATT for isoleucine, and TGT for cysteine.

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The nitrogen base sequence of a gene determines the amino acid sequence during protein synthesis. This sequence ultimately determines the primary structure of the protein, which then folds into its secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures based on the interactions between the amino acids. The nitrogen base sequence acts as a code that dictates the final structure and function of the protein.

The region labeled Y from U-C-G to U-G-C would most likely cause?

A silent mutation. This change in nucleotide sequence (U-C-G to U-G-C) may not result in any change in the corresponding amino acid during translation due to the degeneracy of the genetic code.

A a g c t c t t a c g a a t a t t c how many amino acids are formed?

Amino acids are formed by translating mRNA codons, not directly from DNA. In this DNA sequence, there are no stop codons present. It would be necessary to transcribe this DNA sequence into mRNA and then translate it into amino acids.

Excluding the stop sequence how many nucleotides are necessary to code for a polypeptide that is 100 amino acids long?

300 nucleotides are needed to code for a polypeptide that is 100 amino acids long, because each amino acid is coded for by a sequence of 3 nucleotides (codon), and there are 100 amino acids in the polypeptide.

What do the letters of the DNA alphabet stand for?

CTGAWhile A, T, C, and G represent a particular nucleotide at a position, there are also letters that represent ambiguity. Of all the molecules sampled, there is more than one kind of nucleotide at that position. The rules of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) are as follows:[1]A = adenineC = cytosineG = guanineT = thymineR = G A (purine)Y = T C (pyrimidine)K = G T (keto)M = A C (amino)S = G C (strong bonds)W = A T (weak bonds)B = G T C (all but A)D = G A T (all but C)H = A C T (all but G)V = G C A (all but T)N = A G C T (any)