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teamviewer is a program that allows people to remotely control computer from a wide range of platforms. DynGate is a program that teamviewer uses to pass through firewalls.

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Q: What is the DynGate and teamviewer programs used for?
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What is the DynGate software program?

TeamViewer is a remote control software that is based on the VNC project, or better, on the UltraVNC remote control solution, which is itself based on RealVNC. TeamViewer is free software and is licensed under the GPL. So TeamViewer is an open source project. You may download the complete source, modify it and use it however you like, as long as you comply with the GPL. TeamViewer enables remote connections based on a TCP/IP connection over port 5900. That means, to connect two TeamViewer clients, you connect to a partner`s PC on port 5900. In many cases this will only be possible within a local network, firewall settings often deny TCP/IP connections. Another problem are local IP addresses: Most LANs use NAT gateways to translate internal IPs to external ones - which makes it very difficult to connect to a partner within another local network. DynGate is our solution for that problem: DynGate allows to route any TCP/IP connection over a http tunnel, which means any traffic is routed like "regular" internet web site access - which allows almost anybody to connect to PCs as long as an Internet connection is available! DynGate is a completely separate software that communicates with TeamViewer just over an internal TCP/IP socket connection. In later releases DynGate will also be able to tunnel data connections for other software beside TeamViewer. APPLES TO: TeamViewer 2, TeamViewer 1

What is dyngate?

Dyngate is a software program. This software program is a remote control software that enables the connection of 2 clients or partners.

What sort of program is Teamviewer?

Teamviewer is used in fantasy football drafts to help keep track of team stats and picks.

Where can one find out more information about TeamViewer?

Information about TeamViewer can be found on the TeamViewer website. Their website features all information relevant to the TeamViewer software, including screenshots and security.

What is the DynGate program?

Boa pergunta... também não sei!

Who is the TeamViewer most useful to?

Teamviewer is most useful for people who want to use remote desktopping.

How do you download Teamviewer?

Downloading Teamviewer is simple and easy. All you have to do is go to the website and click download.

What are the names of some programs that offer remote desktop control?

The names of some programs that offer remote desktop control are Rescue Me, UltraVNC, Teamviewer and TightVNC. Although there are many more applications than that, one of these are bound to get you going.

Which program is used to connect you to remote computers and display requested webpages?

You can use a program called Teamviewer.

How do you set up a connection from a vista desktop to a wimax windows 7 laptop?

you could use teamviewer. teamviewer is a free, easy to use program that enables you to do alot of things. full instructions at teamviewer website.

Is my friend still connect to my PC after removing teamviewer?

it is possible that he is because he might have installed some spying software but if he is its not by teamviewer

How do you remote link to my home computer?

You can use Remote Desktop Sharing Programs Like Teamviewer, Logmein etc.These are freeware programs which you can easily download from internet.The other computer , with which you want to link to must also have the same program running.