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picture box:

1) it act as container control

2) use of memory to store the picture

3) editing of picture is possible in picture box

4) having auto size property

5) not having stretch property

Image Box:

1) it is not act as container control

2) not use of memory to store the picture

3) editing of picture is not possible in picture box

4) Not having auto size property

5) Having stretch property

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11y ago
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12y ago

In a text box user can enter the text that text can be edited and changed.

In Input box ,the data can be accepted which is entered by the user through the text box.

Text box have some properties.

Input box have not specific properties.

Three method which can displayed in the text box.

1) At Design time. 2) By the user at runtime. 3) By changing the text property

Input box is used to take single input from the user.

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9y ago


A message box is non-interactive. It just simply displays an output message for the user to read; and, that's it. When you click button [OK]...the message box immediately closes down/disappears.

MsgBox("Hello, world!")


An Input box is interactive; it usually will ask the user to type in some value such as either a number/or, text. This time, whenever the user clicks on the button [OK]; the input dialog box disappears; however, the number/text value which the user went and typed in will, normally, get stored inside of a program memory box variable name; so that the program can get to do something with this value, later on.

num=InputBox("Enter a number: ","PROGRAM: Find square of number")

MsgBox("The square of your number is: " & num*num)

Also, the MsgBox displays a dialog box with a message displayed on a label and command button to choose one of the few possible actions. But, in an InputBox, its displays a dialog box with a message displayed on a label, a textbox to enter data and command button to accept or ignore the data entered.

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13y ago

what is the difference between list box and combo box in visual basic 6.0

picture box:

1) it act as container control

2) use of memory to store the picture

3) editing of picture is possible in picture box

4) having auto size property

5) not having stretch property

Image Box:

1) it is not act as container control

2) not use of memory to store the picture

3) editing of picture is not possible in picture box

4) Not having auto size property

5) Having stretch property

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10y ago

Text boxes are general ways of entering text on a form. The data will be seen on the form as the text box is a control on a form. An Inputbox is a dialog box specifically for inputting data. It pops up when it is triggered and is not part of the form. The data you put into it will not be put on the form, unless you specifically store it and put it into a control on the form, such as a textbox or label. You have very little control over an Inputbox as it is for a very specific purpose, while you can set properties for a textbox and get them to do many different things for you. A textbox can be used to input text instead of an Inputbox, and often is. An Inputbox is more commonly used for simple quick input that doesn't necessarily need to be stored, though it can be. Because you can do a lot more with textboxes, you will use them a lot more than you would use an Inputbox.

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12y ago

TextBox can display text without or less formatting it can display all of its Text in same formatiing. Like Bold, Italic Uderline or combination. You can give it fore color and also change font. That's it!

RichTextBox facilitatets us to format different parts of text differently. Like 1 Area of text is bold other is normal while another is Bold + Italic+ Underline. You can alo put bullets in RichtextBox,

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9y ago

A masked text box limits user-input according to the pre-defined input mask, such as when entering real numbers, currencies, dates and time and so on. An unmasked text box allows allows unformatted text (plain text).

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13y ago

inputbox asks for your input for example:

dim passinput

passinput = inputbox("Input a Password")

this is a vbscript

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12y ago

Image control is similar to the picture box control, in that it can display images, but it can support only a few features if picture box control.

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7y ago

*Image and picture box are used to upload​ images from the computer files.

*These both supports all the graphical properties like clip control,scale,e.t.c.

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You can write a text box in CSS styles. Just place the text styles to whatever you want in the input tag.

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It depends on what type of text box you want to add. The simple HTML tag for a regular text box is this. <input type=text name=textbox1 id=textbox1> If you are planning for a text box that accepts passwords change the type to "password".

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